Welcome! Introduce Yourself

Hi Sato. I am also based in asia. I am from Singapore. If you are interested, do join our HOLOchain Asia channel (https://t.me/holoasia) - we want to connect holochain community across asia and be a platform where we can share each other activities. Cheers!


Hi, this is Reiner from Munich, Germany.
Came across Holo and Holochain via a youtube clip with Art Brock. Then came Indiegogo with the Holoports, the ICO.
At that time I bought a book about LISP, but … :wink:
Have been hanging around in Mattermost for some time.
Sponsored some Junto accounts for familiy and still on board waiting confidentially and patiently.
Great to be here :slight_smile:


Thanks @bhaugen for your offer :blush:
Is REA designed for formal currencies or it can be configured to use community currency design? Are there in REA or somewhere else, any Contribution-Based Compensation mechanism or pre-settings as the case for open enterprise?
The idea I have if would this concept allow hApp businesses work as coop. And I am planning to develop a local business model for an open enterprise!


REA handles any and all economic interactions: production, distribution, and exchange of all economic resources, including any currency, including fiat, crypto, and mutual credit.

Sensorica used it for a contribution economy, which is described a bit in this slide deck: https://speakerdeck.com/mikorizal/10-nrp-value-equation-concepts-and-tutorial

HoloREA is developing a framework for building economic hApps. We may develop one or more hApps ourselves, but our goal is to enable lots of other economic hApps to also build on the same framework, using the same vocabulary, and potentially be able to work together in larger networks. (If they want.)


Thats fabulous! Peersim is a real futuristic economic currency innovation. Am glad to know about this concept in relation to my open enterprise approach. The more we can map currencies the more of value creation patterns we can design.
I see connection with peerism and holo REA …
Do u know a-qube.io ? I see potinial of collaboration with them as p2p incubator. They might want to develop $skills for their nodes and their algorithms would be compliant to adapt your concept.

I see more urgency to have an overview map with all DLT and new currencies projects to relate to similar technologies and building synergies, talk together and solve eachothers issues. I’ve suggested this in the suggestions forum.

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I should qualify one thing: I don’t think HoloREA will directly connect to blockchains. It will account for the crypto transactions, currencies, and accounts, but not do the direct interaction with the chains. That’s something that should probly be done by a separate project for all the Holo hApps that want to do that.


Yep will definitely use HoloREA. Hopefully Pospi can iterate the zome to a point where it’s easy to integrate. Super promising that so many projects want to use REA as an antidote to value/power silos.

In regards to currency, my thoughts are in limbo with Peerism. Originally the Ethereum plan was to pursue user-created tokens where you would “level up” with each successful transaction. eg you do a $100 design task and $design tokens are trading at $1, then you get the 100 tokens and +100 to your design skill level. The whole point being to quantify skillsets for better task routing and matching.

But in the context of Holochain and P2P that approach just seems primitive; it’s dehumanizing, it’s driven by speculation, and it requires all interactions be a monetary exchange to ensure a global standard rate for upskilling (ie earning +100 design needs to be the same across the entire ecosystem).

So lately I’ve been exploring a fuzzy matching model that looks more like lifelogging meets collective intelligence by way of emergent neural networks comprised of humans.

The goal being that a hApp installs the Peerism zome/s and gradually that community self-organises into a structure which can accurately match tasks to people. Hopefully it works so well that jobs and corporate entities become redundant. Will definitely need a mutual credit currency but I’m not sure what form that should take yet :grinning:


Hi @Sol, I’m based in Bali so next door to you so be great to connect and become part of your Asia network… :blush:

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That’s what OASIS API will cater for… :blush:

I love this and would be happy to collaborate on this with you and this could also be integrated into Our World… :relaxed:

@nathanwsters, where do u discuss this in details?
When i compare currency with natural systems I don’t find any credits or exchange. Every thing is based on giving for creation. And if you need to take, just to give. This money system is mans invention. While we are designed to give, why not to give skills we have earned. Even in self sufficient community of trust no credit currency is need at all I think. You would take what u only need and give as much u could to the common ecology. The richer is the ecology, the more options we have. But in any case an automated digital currency is needed to measure the efficiency of economic sphere.


Welcome! :slight_smile:

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I cant wait to integrate this into Our World… when will it be ready? :relaxed:

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Hi I’m John (aka Flip),

Interested in Holochain. Lover of opensource software.

Hacktivist, activist and I want to change this world because there is no planet B.

I want to build a petition platform for lobbying government, and voting. Something that could not be shut down.


As in flip the script? :wink:

Yeah, exactly

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I live in the Triangle region of NC, USA. I haven’t worked on starting up a meetup, but will hopefully get to that. I used to do IT professionally, but these days spend most of my time running Box Turtle Bakery. I’ve done a couple of dev-camps, but honestly haven’t had enough time to keep up with this alpha state of changes, but I expect things will stabilize quickly. Rather than working on any big project, I see myself trying to piece together the patterns and micro-services that others come up with to put tools in the hands of my local food-system folks and other areas of my community. People currently pay lots of money for inflexible financial and other services that add minimal value and I want to work with them and all of you to give them some “keys” that will unlock a world of alternatives. Baby steps though - first I have to put a UI on my game Dots and Boxes.


Eduardo, great to hear about your work making Holochain accessible in Spanish. That’s such important work to spread its use.

Hi Romster,
What’s Holotroopers? And what’s a Telegram admin?

Awesome work, like @eduardo.moreira