Welcome! Introduce Yourself

Where in Portugal is it, roughly?

Hello - I’m Peter. I’m a data scientist and become interested in crypto I’m general and Holochain in particular over the past year. Im working on getting my HoloPort online. Followed the online tutorials but stuck nonetheless. Looking forward to connecting with others to get it working and learn more about HoloPort and Holochain.


Were you able to get some help Linda?
This forum is for Holochain.

The best place for Holo and HoloPort support is at forum.Holo.host

Hi, Angie! I’m also looking to make NFTs with holochain, specifically an open source Holochain NFT/crypto wallet and a Holochain NFT marketplace -Jonathan

Here’s some more info about what I’m trying to do: NFT WONDERLAND a social NFT marketplace

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Greetings, I’m Norbu. My heart sings as I learn about Holochain, and its ramifications in a world so dependent on scarcity and centralized power structures.

I am a cross-discipline generalist with experience as a developer, designer, and product manager. I look forward to finding ways I can help here, I feel drawn to your mission <3


Hey everyone!

I’m Mohit Madan, CEO of UniFarm

We’re working on building an open-source Dappstore for web3 to propel adoption. I’m keen to learn more about hApps and the architecture of Holochain store.


Hello everybody,

Maybe i introduced myself before as an investor when creating my account.
But in the meantime i managed to buy a holoport second hand so now i can call myself a host!
So excited to be part of this with all of you.


Hi, I am Nathan. Fingers crossed, everything I think the world needs can be done via Holo. I am so happy I found this!