Welcome! Introduce Yourself

I haven’t used a JVM or functional language before, but wanted to try something new and have just started to learn Clojure. I plan to try to do my application work with ClojureScript talking to Holochain so I’m interested in anything you are up to in this area. I’m thinking about using the Datascript in-memory datalog database to interact with 1 or more Holochain DNA’s and any other non-Holochain data I need.

@Holococo, Welcome!!

The BEST place for help with HoloPorts and Hosting is the HoloForum (forum.holo.host). You should have gotten an invitation as a Host. The a team there will help you get set up on your HoloPort should you need it. The Forum also has the latest update instructions, which you’ll need.

Once you’re all registered with your HoloPort, come join us in testing with Elemental chat! Very fun!

If you have troubles finding your invite, let help@holo.host know! Again, Welcome! It’s going to be an awesome year!

Anita :rose::partying_face::hibiscus:


Hi folks! I am new to this project, but have been interested in crypto since about 2013, when btc was £100 or so!
Looking forward to getting my holoport working, and supporting the project…:smiley:


Hey all :wave:

Johan, Göteborg, Swedish west coast. I got a Holobrick after being introduced to Art Brock and metacurrency via Jim Rutt and Game B. I’m glad to hear the it is in use lately and can’t wait to connect to it via my phone.

I work in tech doing concepts, strategy and storytelling. Mainly training and business critical experience design — apps, web, XR. Interested in Holo from a sustainability perspective as it looks so much less wasteful than blockchain and centralized solutions. I have so many questions on governance and business aspects, and am also looking for the simple story for non-techie users and strategists in relation to crypto/defi at large. Where is the place to engage in such discussion?


Hi, I am Rafael from Switzerland :switzerland: and happy to be here!


This forum I guess, probably not this thread though, but I’m a rebel so will note my thoughts before I forget!

I found Art’s article “Unenclosable Carriers and the Future of Communication” to be a seminal piece covering the widest picture and whilst a long read it is written in a language that makes it the link I share the most as anyone who is seriously interested will take the time to read it.

IMHO it would be a fabulous starting point for someone who’s experienced in the art of concepts, strategy and storytelling to adapt in order to reach a wider audience than those with the time and want to read the full article…

Yesterday I discovered a recent interview with Art which is also great and probably the most interesting one I’ve heard, here’s the link:



Hello from Montreal, Canada!

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Thanks! I read the NextNet series before and listen to the pod now. Great stuff!

I find Art a very inspiring philosopher. He challenges thinking, shows possibilities, opens perspectives.

I also find myself listening a lot to Charles Hoskinson of Cardano lately. I find his philosophy less agreeable, but he is more of a leader, community builder, man with a plan.

Who would be that voice of Holo?

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‘Holo’ is the currency being developed to support the development of Holochain - my answer is in reference to Holochain and the wider projects around it - ceptr.org etc., i.e. the thinking around it:

It is my belief much of our current problems stem from idolising - instead we all need to speak our truth. There is no one answer to any given problem, perhaps this is an ideal chance to show that as I believe this community is doing, gradually…!

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Right. I use ’Holo’ as a sloppy umbrella shorthand for, well, everything Holo. Including Ceptr, Holochain, Holohost, HOT, etc.

I did watch those too, before, and chewed my way to them. It’s fascinating stuff. I’m geeky enough to get excited by it.

The learnings this project can take from Cardano is, get much more concise and clearer about problem statement, vision, mission, strategy, roadmap, naming, mental models. Every time I listen to Art I get vaguely inspired and puzzled. Every time I listen to Charles, I feel a little smarter, a little more invited, and a little more convinced there is a direction to things.

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That’s precisely my point - don’t be looking to get the answers from outside, look inside and voice your answer.

The fact you are getting more inspired and puzzled is awesome, no “Charles” is going to provide you with the answer to the question, each and every one of us is the answer. Otherwise we are simply perpetuating the current unequal system, as I believe from a quick look into Charles’ work, he is doing. Which is why “things are different round here y’all” :wink: As much as we can trust the founders, and whilst I still have some reservations as I’m sure everyone does, I don’t see any other/better alternative right now so hence my interest and involvement in the ceptr/holochain malarkey. In time other systems will come along, I believe it is an iterative process of self-healing - we do our best with what we have and we evolve, or we sit and think and throw out thoughts from the sidelines and end up spectators not players.

Gotta go, ttfn, nice to “meet you” and look forward to discovering more of your stuff!

Have you considered creating content? You might be seeing a genuine gap, and probably a person who can see the gap is one of the best people to try to fill it!

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I wish I could express what I want to say so easily lol instead of these long rants. That is indeed what I was trying to hint at, glad someone helped out :wink: Sometimes, just sometimes, I think way too much…

Hi, I’m new here, I’m interested in learning:
1- about the platform’s capability of issuing DIDs with Voting rights;
2- I am also interested in purchasing HOT. I read about the availability of trading USDT for HOT through BInance.US but got stuck w/o finding the way, anyone knows about these?

I’d suggest making a new forum post with your question about DIDs with voting rights. It could make for a nice discussion that would be more visible and more appropriate in it’s own thread (if there isn’t already a post about it somewhere)

Regarding buying HOT in the States, you can look on Reddit where there have been several posts from people asking the same thing. I’ll just copy paste a few links here, but I haven’t looked in detail to know which ones are most helpful:


Hey! I’m Ryan.

I’m a games programmer based in the UK. I’ve been following Holochain during this crypto bull-run and I’m very interested in identifying if and how Holochain can be used to support games.

Looking forward to seeing how Holochain and future hApps develop!


Hi, I’m Don … long time fan, first time poster.

I’ve been following Holochain when I first learned of @Connoropolous contributing to it many years ago. After an overdue catch up with @lucas.tauil yesterday, I was (once again) inspired to check back in on the project.

I’ve been a software dev/mentor for 25+ years in all the different areas and capacities. Five years ago I opened the Auckland campus of Enspiral Dev Academy and have been refining and teaching its bootcamp curriculum since.

Last night I got the Holochain dev environment setup and am ready to take it for a spin. Thank you to everyone supporting this community. Once I’m more prepared, I’m happy to share my thoughts, suggestions and support.



Hi @donsmith! Stoked to see you here. I recommend you check the work @guillemcordoba is developing around low code and mutual credit. @sidsthalekar has also caught my attention with reputation engines. @pospi you might remember from summer fest a couple of years back is pushing REA. @mikeg from Red Grid is rethinking electrical grids. I hope those bread crumbs can help. Fair winds mate!


Hi, love the project great to be here with all you lovely people.


Ciao a tutti sono nuovo su Holochain, :wink:
opero nel campo della produzione e vendita di gioielli, credo di essere multifunzione, dalla produzione vera e propria alla logistica, alla pubblicità, fotografia, ecc ecc,
da circa 4 anni utilizzo anche nuovi canali sia di vendita tramite internet che nuove valute di scambio come Sardex… e trovo particolarmente interessane la vendita tramite messaggistica, ma sarebbe interessante introdurre metodi di pagamento più rapidi all’interno di un app di comunicazione… tenendo presente che le persone che cercano un prodotto chiedono informazioni tramite chat sarebbe interessante poter anche chiudere l’affare di vendita direttamente all’interno della chat, probabilmente già esiste… comunque Holochain è veramente interessante, una bella comunità :wink: