Welcome! Introduce Yourself

Hi, I’m Sam or MistahTea. I found Holo and Holochain this through a friend who works on the periphery of the project. I read the white paper, I watched videos of Mr. Brock and then about The Salmon Nation and had a epiphany. The concept behind the project is what has really caught me imagination. I have come from a non-technical background based on team work, interoperability and an equitable hierarchy. I am avidly reading everything I can so I might be of some use to you all. Take Care :fist_right: :fist_left:


hi everyone, I’m sid and I’ve got an idea for a hApp called ‘Commonality’. The philosophy of the app is enabling community through affirming common ground.

I’ve come up with a specification for the hApp (see below) and I’d be really interested to hear people’s thoughts particularly initially on the practicality/suitability of the specification for a holochain app. I’m not a developer but I’m eager to learn, I’ve got an idea I believe in and any help/advice on getting started would be appreciated :slight_smile: apologies if this isn’t the right space for this, in time I’ll explore the forum!


Commonality Specification -
1. A community label, the subject and a max number of participants are input to start an instance of the hApp.
2. Participants are added via invite link.
3. The community label and the subject is displayed to all participants.
4. All participants can create Statements continuously.
5. Participants can cycle through all the Statements created and vote either Agree, Disagree or Pass on each of them.
6. Statements and votes are anonymous.
7. A live summary is shown to all participants which is each statement and its ‘%Agree’ where %Agree = Total Agree / (Total Agree + Total Disagree), sorted from highest to lowest.
8. A list of all participants is available to all participants.

Notes on Specification -
Point 6 and 8: anonymity for statements and voting enables cohesive participation whilst being able to view the participation provides confidence that it is representative of the community.
Point 7. the %Agree measure does not allow de-anonymisation.

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Welcome Adam,
I’m not on the forums very much. I support Holo[chain] on Twitter and Telegram as a volunteer. I hope you have had some successful meetups in Boston. Lots of like minded people here. I find your ideas very exciting and wish you much success.

Welcome Zach,
Lots of people working on similar if not the same ideas Zach. It may take some work to track them down. I don’t know how easy it is to find them.

Hello! :slight_smile: It is nice to meet everyone here. I have read many books on Holography and Neural Networks including the Sixth Generation Computer Technology Series (an engineering book series on many fundamentals), so I am excited to see where everyone else is at in terms of knowledge-base.

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Hi I’m John :vulcan_salute:
Having been a member of this forum for a short while today is the day that I make my first post.

Thank you for the invitation to introduce myself, and also for the many incredible introductions I have read. I look forward to learning more of how all of your journeys progress and I feel truly like I am in the right place with inspiring collaborators.

My first experience of online community was CIX in the 80s as a teenager at my local library. I lived a fairly isolated existence in rural England and I loved connecting with different people all over the world. It started many adventures. There’s lots in between I’ll quickly gloss over.

Most recently I participated for 15 years with an open source C#/.net Content Management System which grew from 50 people to 250k+. I bring the lessons I learned through that into being for something a bit more worthwhile than content marketing (as worthy as it can be).

I find myself taking the earliest steps into creating safe, secure, distributed, trusted networks of communities helping each other with addiction, mental-health, and self-actualisation through a variety of modalities and energies.

I have no doubt that HoloChain is one of the most basic and important building blocks in co-creating that reality and helping many people to heal themselves.

Generally I am better at questions than answers. So I intend to be an active questioner here.

I look forward to receiving the voices that can graciously share their learning with me and in turn I promise I will do all I can to amplify and share that with others who seek that knowledge from me once I have a good big picture understanding. Whilst I am excited about the glimpses under the curtain and it’s many engaging corners I look forward to the mystery receding and rolling up my sleeves and coding like the light-warrior i love to be. :heart_eyes:


Welcome, John!
It looks like you have a lot to offer, and the questions will be fantastic!

I’m not one of the techie folks; I love to see what I learn over here at the HolochainForum. I mostly spend time at the HoloForum. As you explore here, you’ll discover where you have passion to play and create. Have a GREAT TIME! We’re on a grand journey, and I’m so glad you can join us!


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I have seen this Link : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GTB6xNcj1ig
and here i am…just to encourage what appears to me as a great adventure for all, best wishes for all développers, world is lucky to have so beautiful idea !
I am just discovering the concept, thanks for the share

Anne from France


Bienvenue @Anne,

Thanks for sharing the talk with Jean François.

warm wishes


Hi everyone, I’m Peter, nice to connect here with folk.

I’m working on several projects, maybe some of them join up with work you are doing.

To be brief:

Business Incubator - based on Impact, Sustainability and Growth, and doing good - see my pinned tweet on Twitter, #innov8tor3, and I should mention my focus on Regenerative Agriculture. I’m always happy to discuss projects with connections.

I’m also co founder on a cloud based learning platform, plus working with a team on Mutual Credit Services including Offers and Needs Marketplaces. This MCS team includes Matthew Slater and others with strong connections with Credit Commons work.

People I know include @pauldaoust, @LifeSMyth and of course Art, how I first heard of Holochain.


Hi, Peter! Great to have you here. Excited for what you bring with you re: your real-world experience with business, and the mutual credit stuff you’re working on now.

You might be interested in connecting with @lynnfoster, @bhaugen, and @pospi, who are working on a toolkit for open-supply-network accounting. You recognise @kerrgreg from Twitter too, I’m sure. I’d say @mwl is also somewhat familiar with mutual credit (being the creator of the LETS community currency). @matslats is here too. Anybody I’ve missed?

(For context, Peter has been chatting with me, @LifeSMyth, @dilgreen, @Dave, and a few others on Twitter about various interesting projects. A couple of us were finding the conversation a bit noisy, because Twitter is great for weaving connections in public but terrible for having actionable conversations. So I invited them to the forum!)


I’m Victor and I’m hailing from my ~basement-office~ er, secret-lab in Toronto. Been a keen observer for a while, and I like what I see so far. So hello, and nice to meet y’all :slight_smile:

I’m passionate about making a better world for my kids (and yours, too,) which right now includes mostly uphill battles - climate-change-pollution-biodiversity, the psychological and sociological effects of rapidly-evolving technology, and helping to create/foster/promote a tyranny-resistant tech infrastructure.

On the sunny-side of things, I’ve also got an (almost complete) degree in psychology and cognitive-science, and am passionately-curious about the potentials of technology to assist humans embrace the human-condition, and flourish - alone, in a tandem, and as a society.

Happy to be here!


Hi, I’m Grant. I have installed my holoport on my work computer, but have since brought it home. Do I have to re set up and start again with new keys etc.
Thanks, Grant

HI @Grant! You should be able to plug your Holoport in anywhere and have it work fine. Unless there have been changes to the alpha testing setup since you unplugged it.
The best place for Holoport conversations is over at forum.holo.host That’s where you will get updates for alpha testing and open alpha status.

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Hi! My name is Xavier and I am a developer. I know java, js, dart, sql and html. I was thinking that maybe would be possible to implement systems with a flutter frontend and a decentralized holo backend, but I do not really know if that is possible. I am just starting to know holochain.

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Hi, my name is Steve… you can call me TJ… I would love to learn and know more about this holo chain… Thanks

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Hey Xavier, welcome to the community! I don’t have a good answer to your question, but once we’re out of the holidays I’m sure someone else will. :wink:

Hey TJ, what’s up!

Are you aware of https://developer.holochain.org?

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Greetings: I represent Duquel Industries. I was invited by the support team after asking weather holo chain could be adapted to run on FPGAs so that it could create a super computer. I hope you’re willing to partner with us, what you’ve created can make us all very wealthy.

Hi @Grant have you got your HoloPort working? The best place to talk about hosting is in the Holo Forum.
Warm wishes
