Welcome! Introduce Yourself

I’m Null, I’m going to build the next best app like no other that will change the world! Power to the people!



Hi, my name is Rogério and I hold a few hot token. When holofuel is released, should I swap my hot token for them or is it not the best option ? Thank you

good very good

Hi! My name is İbrahim Yavuz from Turkey. I am 23 years old electricity engineering student. I’ve been following Holochain technology for about 6 months


Hi there all,
My name is ‘Koos’ Strydom …Koos derived from Jacobus which is my middle name. I’ve been in software development for many years mainly in C# and javascript. Effectively I’m retired and current happenings in our world enticed me to look for alternative systems as the FIAT system we all were forced to accept as default are failing as is many other things I discovered on the way. I see myself as a AWAKE man! I also did my LIVE LIFE CLAIM (If you need to know more contact me) . I would like to join this effort as I believe that this very much could be what we are looking for to create community driven wealth systems (probably not the correct label).
Looking forward to get involved!!


Hey folks,

I’m reaching out to this community because the Holo ethos is very much aligned with a project I am working on (and also just because I am just in love with HoloChain!).

I want to build a digital knowledge system that transforms competition into co-creation thus catalysing a phase shift of humanity towards realising our full potential.

If you’re interested check out my video pitch here:

Note that the pitch is meant to communicate the essence of the project and is by no means an exhaustive picture of the broader vision.
You can find an appendix which goes into more detail here.

It will start as a YouTube channel and grow step by step into a standalone platform on HoloChain.

I am 100% committed to this project but at the moment I lack the resources, network and technical expertise to push the ball much further than the YouTube channel.

So if you are inspired by the vision and would like to see it turn into reality or you want to know more, feel free to reach out!

Looking forward to be part of this movement and meeting like minded people!



I just got to the part in your video when you said “like github, but for ideas,” and I realized there is another project building on Holochain that has almost the exact same tagline: https://www.uprtcl.io/

It is called Underscore Protocol. Have you heard of it? If not, definitely worth looking into to see if there is alignment.

To continue this discussion, I’d suggest making a new thread somewhere.


Hey Brooks,

I wasn’t aware of the project and it seems super relevant, so thanks for sharing!


Hi, I’m Angie, from Dada.art - interested in Holoport, all things Holochain but specifically creating games and NFTs. I’m an NFT artist - from a traditional sculpture, 3D modelling and VR background. Great to be here, thanks :slight_smile:


Welcome, Angie!

Since you’re with Dada, do you know what the state of exploration this community is in with respect to NFTs on Holochain?

Hi I’m Parker from Brooklyn, here to learn.


Hi all,

I`m Eric aka DutchSparky from NL. I volunteer as an administrator on the HoloNL telegram groups. On a daily business I work as an field application engineer for our Power Quality products used in SOHO till Hyperscale Datacenters. Next to my field services I also support our business unit
on alpha testing our software. I found Holochain during my search for another platform other than Facebook / LinkedIn / Google to safeguard my data other than at these giants.


I’m Umut, :raising_hand_man:
I think you can do your work in other languages in the future. I have a little difficulty in understanding and explaining because my English is bad.

Hello, I am Adnan, 29 years old, from Iran, I work in the hospital laboratory, I am very interested in working and learning more in various fields, especially in the field of art.


I am Omer, from Turkey. My job Statistic and Computer Science. I have been dealing with software development for 5 years. For the last 1 year, I turned to data analyst. I’m happy to get to know your community.


Merhaba ben ibrahim.

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hey fellows :rocket:

my name is simon. :man_cartwheeling:
i live in berlin. :cityscape:
i value wisdom and love. :heart_hands:
started to code some years ago. :computer:
the holochain paradigm resonates with me 100%. :100:

let’s see what happens :slight_smile:


Hey, good now y’all!
I’m super excited to be finally part of the forum, I’ve been following you guys since well before your ICO :slight_smile:


Hi i’m Con, i live in Perth Australia and hope everyone is well.


Hello Holochain community! I’m Xander and excited about the revolution for individual sovereignty, transparency, and equity that’s happening in our world right now!

I’m working on a project to revolutionize how businesses work in the b2b space with each other in a way that encourages collaboration and creates win-win scenarios for frontline influencers and decision-makers.

I’m very interested in the DAO democratized governance model.

Does anyone know of a project that’s utilizing the DAO concept with holochain? is so please help me make a connection!

Stay free out there!

