Welcome! Introduce Yourself

:blush: Hi lovely people! My name is Claire. I’m currently based in Bali, Indonesia, and go between the SF Bay Area. I’m a writer, photographer, dancer, relationship counselor and life adviser.

I’m currently working on starting a business and I’m hoping to utilize Holo and decentralized tech. :pray:t5::purple_heart:

If you’re in Bali, shoot me a message!


Hi, my name is Guy, I have worked with FairCoop, Guerrilla Translation, the Cooperativa Integral Catalana and also blogged a bit for the P2P Foundation.

Recently I attended the Network Convergence where I met several people from Holochain and also did the Civichub course where I met several more. I have been working on and off with them on developing a mutual credit currency which could be based on Holochain. I will also be doing the Commons Engine course on currency design starting in October.

I live in a forest in the Catalan Pyrenees and am able to keep in touch with the rest of the world via satellite internet.

Looking forward to increasing the synergies here! :slight_smile:


Hey Guy! Great to see you here again after our time on the sunny mountain :smile:
Sounds like many synergies.

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Hi Alcyone,
nice to hear another holochain community member based in asia. I am based in Singapore (not too far from bali!) . By any chance, would you be coming to Singapore for Invest Asia in september? If yes, you might like to join our event - organizing a event with holochain + bloxroute at paypal singapore on 12 Sept, 5.30pm. More info here: https://twitter.com/WorldDappers/status/1166641488677068801?s=19

Btw, welcome to join our HOLOchain Asia TG at: t.me/holoasia :slight_smile:

Yay, someone else in Bali with me! :slight_smile: I’m in Sanur right now but I am about to go to Ubud for a bit, where are you based? :slight_smile:

It’s great to see the conversation and energy on the Introduction Page! To keep this page purely about introductions, I would encourage you to post follow-up comments to fellow community members and ask questions about location, connections, and channels over on the Holochain Journey Page or in the Projects & Partner Area.

@Alcyone @dellams @Rob

For events and channel sharing, let’s use the Events Area and simply tag and post from there. @Sol Thanks for your consideration.

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No worries. Sorry. :wink::heart::heart::v:

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sure! :ok_hand:

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@Alcyone @dellams @Sol
I don’t know how to do what @dhtnetwork is suggesting, please feel free to tag me there if you’d like me to join a conversation

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Hi @Sam, we’re trying to grow a Holochain community in the Netherlands. 3 or 4 of us are going to the hackathon in Prague. Can we contribute to your channel and can we get in touch with more people in the Netherlands?


Studied IT and AI long, long ago, functioned as an IT manager (for too long, then burnout), became a Blockchain enthusiast, then came across Holochain six months ago and got immensely curious as this is the first time I find a computer paradigm that has any sort of philosophical background, not to mention one that is in tune with living systems, ecology and alternative finance.

I’m part of a Holochain meetup in Amsterdam, 3 to 4 of us are coming to the hackathon.


Hi @sachaweb, you are more then welcome to contact and invite people in the Benelux channel. I won’t be able to join you in Prague, but wish you all the best & learning experience! If we have enough people, we can also come together and have a nice chat.

Hey @Sam I couldn’t find a Benelux channel in the Mattermost chat, so where should I search?

Hi @sachaweb I’m not on mattermost, only telegram, we have a Benelux channel over there.

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Hi @sachaweb, awesome that the Amsterdam community is joining in Prague. The Barcelona community will also be joining. See you soon in Prague!

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Yes, looking forward to meet you in Prague. Seems to me that Barcelona has very committed people, right?

We started around a year ago and we now have a nice core group of Holochain friends. Guillem and I will join and maybe Ruben. See you soon.


Hi I’m Pierre from Vienna, I’m Angular developer and I follow the holochain project since more than one year now. I started to build my own hApp using coolcats as an example but it’s still at the very early stage. I also did my own website to talk about holo: https://www.buyholo.net


Hi Sol!! :smiley: Sure! I am excited to get connected with everyone in asia to help the widespread of holochain in this region!!

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I am Loic from France. I’m a Holochain fan. I have organized several meetings in France and Geneva and I plan to get more involved in the development of hApp.
Looking forward to sharing,