Welcome! Introduce Yourself

Welcome, Martin!

A Hamburger here… Where are you from in Germany?

That startup sounds cool – what is it, if you don’t mind sharing?

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Witajcie :slight_smile:

I suggest having a play around in the Holochain Gym in order to cover the basic syntax as well as learn some important differences you need to consider when developing distributed, decentralised applications (so don’t skip steps!).

Then watch some of the Holochain in Action sessions on YouTube where they are developing a useful application and if it excites you then there’s no harm in applying!

I’ve been hacking on code for almost 40 years and still feel like a n00b much of the time so am glad to see you ask as imposter syndrome rears its ugly head a lot especially in the technical world, however I find it amazing how much effort I’ll put into something that I have a keen interest in and amazing how much I won’t if I don’t, which is why I always go by that instead of anyone else’s indicators as to whether I’m appropriate for something or not :wink:

Here’s some info from the DevCamp post:


All the best,



My worry is the seemingly increasing want to measure stuff.

I have a feeling that if instead we focused on measuring the minimum amount of things necessary in order to reach the same goals as we all want in terms of a flourishing humanity working with the natural world it is very much part of instead of against it / separate from it, we will have a far better outcome than we could ever calculate. There’s a lot to be said for the observer principle.

“But how much do you love me?!” …asks your new partner, trying to gain enough social credits for ‘couple’ seat status on the next flight.

Because all I can see at the moment is the hidden hands directing measuring of certain things and then using the tools created in order to further their own agendas of control over their herd.

“How useful are you?” …as they close the costly local mobile library service that only serves a few, mostly housebound people, one of which is a severely disabled child with dreams of communicating their own stories they see in their mind to the world one day.

I look forward to your forthcoming contributions @ruffashlar, sounds like we have some interesting conversations ahead about facilitating the future we want, not the future we don’t want! :wink:


My idea is about shifting negative money (used prior for raping the earth, producing stuff etc.) towards positive (to be used for future projects that heal / do the right thing by Nature etc.) I’ve come up with an approximation of this but it is by necessity fuzzy, because I completely agree about concerns of always measuring stuff. I really need to get my ducks in a row and write about it… Thing is, it doesn’t really need a crypto currency but I think Holochain is onto a new, better way of computing and it makes sense to develop on it.


Karlsruhe :slight_smile:
Startup is kenbun

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I think that’s the essence of what I was trying to say - in a way you have to ignore the “negative money” and build new solutions to solve problems, if a system of value notation is needed in order to facilitate that then that’s where the ability to measure can be useful.

Anyway guess I shouldn’t threadjack any more - forget about the ducks, they never align 100%, there’s only ever the now so if your now ever wants to post just post a thread up, that’s what I do, then people can read or ignore, that’s how it goes!



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Hey everyone, my name is Jeremy.

I have been writing about Holochain and Valueflo.ws on the Hackernews forum for a while, and also on Reddit.

I look forward to continuing to engage with other socialists on this forum to discover the full socialist potential of Holochain and Holo-REA / Valueflo.ws tech together.

I post a lot of the stuff I find most interesting on Twitter:


Hi Jeremiah!

My name is David, or @drei and I’m working to integrate an existing ORMS Statistics software called autobox into Holochain.

You bring the data, we’ll bring the forecast.

At least, that’s my goal.

Take it easy, and hope we’ll interact soon.



Hi all, I’m Stefan glad to join the team and let’s grow together:)


Halo saya Irfan, saya dari indonesia,:hugs::hugs:


Hello everyone, it’s such a joy and a pleasure to discover your community and a framework with such a sound ontological and epistemological underpinning. My name is Wiame, I live in Paris and I’ve been working as a data scientist for a few years. I have a keen interest in mutual credit, especially for time banking, and I’m looking forward to learning rust and possibly pitching in in one of the projects that already exist.


Hello there ! My name is Kilian, I am thrilled to start working with Holochain to build a more compassionate and loving world, rich and colourful. I am not a developper yet I could sense the depth of this technology from miles away: from the community atmosphere to the kind developpers to the core of the DHT, I could only sense that this was the right place to be. Not to mention that I discovered this technology with some god flesh in my stomach: I literally fell in the Holospace !
I have HUGE projects here in Europe: with a community Garden, Restaurant, a Village of some sort, A School in the Middle of France, with a good friend of mine we are but scratching the surface of how big of a project it is going to be, how joyful and colourful, and diversified !

I will need your help guys !!! May we all unite in what we have as goals for the New World.


Hello hello.

How many steps to take before Holochain is fully operational? Is there a time frame we can follow? And how and what when I want to run a website like “nextworldbook.com” on holochain, do I need a holoport or can I make/run it on only hApps, and is there software that in can download? Thanks

Hello people,

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Im Mustafa from Holland i got some great ideas for security protocols. I want to explean my self. I m not a developer but got the greatest idea for it. Who is interested can ask me about it(developers) thank u

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Hello, I’m Redflick from the Philippines…


Hi, I am Daniel from Budapest, Hungary. I am a software developer and architect for more than 20 yrs. I started to code in C and C++ back in the '90s, then I switched to C#. Now I code in dart, go, rust. I love new technologies, distributed environments, microservices and everything that needs a paradigm shift. I mostly do IoT and event sourced systems in the last few yrs. I love the Holochain concept and I am very interested in creating community driven, decentralized decision making and logistic systems using this technology.


Holo! (lol)

My name is Veronica I have been watching holo for about 2 years now. I have some Hot tokens and have decided to join the forum to learn more about the project. Iam not a techy but I am very excited about all the freedom being offered by bolckchain. Holo just seems like the next generation more secure Idea.


Hi, I’m Jonathan from Spain.

Although most of my working life I have worked as an economist, I have updated myself studying programming and, now, I work as a consultant and junior programmer.

I have been researching Holochain for half a year and I love the project.

I hope I can learn a lot and be able to contribute to the community over time.