@bhaugen: Indeed. This goes a bit to off-topic given the title of the thread. My last reply in this thread: I don’t think that Holo-REA is necessarily overkill and it looks a cool project. I actually considered whether I should have referred it in the the technical description as it has a lot of similarities. I decided not to for three reasons: (1) the document is already now needlessly long, (2) I didn’t have enough time to study carefully what problem Holo-REA exactly solves and how and (3) we had really limited time to implement stuff. I have tendency to think that in GoWood we managed to experiment (technically speaking) a database agonist, permissionless row-level access control mechanism. To take this project one step further the next step would probably be to implement generic database query gateway and include support to two or three different databases. I’ve understood that in Holo-REA the focus is rather in capability to query distributed graph data model than in permissionless, access control to any database with capability to delegate row level access to external resources.
Hello, I Brian. Working with @rayzer on his Cogov project. I have plenty of full stack experience in JS, TS, Ruby. I’m new to Rust. I’m enjoying the language but am running into some issues getting everything up & running with Holochain.
I’m very grateful to be here & am looking forward to learning more & contributing whatever I can to bring success.
Thank you,
Merhaba. (Hello)
I’m RaiTurk. Maybe some of you familiar with me from Twitter (twitter.com/crypto_raiturk).
I’m one of the supporter of Holochain in Turkey. Holochain charmed me at first sight.
I share every news about Holochain and Holo with my followers. Also I translate contents to Turkish in my spare times. There is a huge supporter crowd in Turkey for Holochain. I hope this project is going to change the world.
Hi there Holonauts!
I was previously the VP of Community at Discourse, the forum software we’re all using here.
The prospects of p2p technology for communication platforms has grown on me. One of my projects at Discourse was to figure out how we could do free hosting without imploding. We made it work by strictly approving non-profit projects most in need of free service, e.g. the open source scene.
I always wanted to expand the reach of the program by 100x or more: think for instance of every interest based community on Facebook Groups that would be better served by a self-owned platform like Discourse. But the current state of hosting economics just doesn’t allow that for a self-sustaining company that hasn’t taken a major VC infusion to undercut competitors and swallow a market overnight.
Holochain flips the script. If I’ve got an interest that’s shared by at least one other person, then between the two of us we have all the hosting power we need. And as more and more people join in on the fun we only need the most passionate few of us to stake the necessary resources to keep us afloat. No more asking for permission to exist from 3rd party hosts; no more crisis mode when growing past the limits of benevolence. For any healthy, well managed community, growing to mass-scale might cease to be the double-edged sword that it is today.
p.s. I’ve also been actively involved in the Rust community due to its prospects for game development. I’m on the board of the Rust game engine Amethyst, and helped establish the Rust GameDev Working Group. As a community professional I am blown away by how progressive and people-centered the Rust community is, so whenever some tech I’m interested in also happens to be using Rust I am doubly excited!
Hello my name is Jason cook I’m new to holochain I purchased a holoport and I’m looking for some direction on how to set it up. any help would be appreciated. also I would like to speak to Eric Bear if I could get in contact with him. Thank you.
Hello EveryONE, it is awesome to be here and have the opportunity to collaborate in co-creating the human-centered internet.
Hello! I’m Karghitect, pleased to meet everyone! The Holochain architecture is amazing!
Hi, I’m John from California. My team is developing an hApp that provides digital identity protection so that people can benefit from their digital identity instead of big tech.
Also from CA, Where are you located? I would love to participate in this venture. Sounds quite promising.
Hey All - I’m Jeff Clearwater - here to support the community and keep tabs on early use cases - especially local mutual credit exchange systems - and supply chain/market empowerment. A member of the VillageLab team - watching the Commons Engine and HoloREA closely - not a programmer but social architect looking to play!
Hi! I’m Vangelis and I’m following Holochain some time before the Holo ICO. I’m actually pretty noob in programming but planning to work on it as I have some ideas which worth testing.
We’ll chat later. Where in California are you located. We can do most online, but face to face is important to the team as well.
Hello fellow human beings My name is Sergio and I’ve discovered Holochain on Coinbase, read a bit about it, but still the understanding of blockchain is not so easy especially when English is not the first language. Myself is passionate about nature and people, and I am a Mindset Coach passionate about business ideas to improve the quality of the planet and all beings of earth. From my experience I have realized that education is the most important path to follow therefore I have a strong passion for this and would love to build something on this. I hope that everyone is having an amazing time wherever you are and shine your beauty all the time
Hi all!
I live in Galicia (Northwest of Spain).
As a programmer i want first to understand and second to improve the Holochain ecosystem.
let see what can we do!
Hi all, glad to be here. I’m chairman of Startup Societies Foundation and president of Openworld, nonprofit ventures that specialize in new ways to lift barriers to entrepreneurship. I have worked in 50+ countries over the past three decades on policy reforms, learning innovations, and special economic zones, including startup cities open to economic migrants. A current focus is on initiatives for neighborhood groups and communities to secure land grants, and then awaken dormant land values through new learn-by-doing and policy reform initiatives. I recently completed a book on this – https://is.gd/startupsocietiesbook. Earlier in my career, I was publisher and managing editor of Reason magazine, and cofounder of the Local Government Center, springboard for Reason Foundation’s research and consulting practice on non-governmental approaches to service delivery. I’m a graduate of Harvard University, and a former Visiting Fellow of the Lehrman Institute, where I researched ways that neighborhood associations can take on municipal service responsibilities. Personal interests include hiking, drawing/architectural design, kayaking, flying, square foot gardening, archery, and reading. I’m intrigued by Holochain’s prospects for helping virtual and actual communities thrive.
Hi as a quick introduction Stark Networks is working with a number of corporate clients interested in Holochain and in developing hApps for businesses in Asia, with a focus-hub being Thailand. The more we learn about Holo and Holochain, then better we can assist and serve the expansion of the Holoverse.
Hi, I am Toby.
Got in first contact with Holochain at the Lisbon Hackathon last week.
Good to see all the people involved with so much energy and enthusiasm.
Hi! I am Jessyca from Brazil. I just met Holochain.
Hi Everyone, this community at a gut level feels a place with lots of latent potential!
I was invited to join by Rob, thanks Rob!
My first suggestion was on the rather welcoming Sustainability and Happiness hApps - Holo Hosting - Holo Forum, for a hApp rating system that showed off the ecological emphasis of Holo by not only assessing each hApp’s own present running ecological footprint, on as yet to determine parameters , as well as the focus and dynamism of the value creation field of the hApp, be it in Oxygen, Carbon, Water, Land, Energy, Communications, Tracking or Record keeping etc., for the specific purpose of sustainability.
I feel that we neglect the most obvious, the Oxygen we breathe, which we don’t pay a cent for and expect nothing to happen to by pumping our atmosphere with all manner of toxins and pollutants, burn giga tonnes of it routinely, while we systemically cut down biodiversity rich natural forests and replace then with monoculture farms or waste lands. No one values photosynthetic-biomass. We need to make that into the backbone of this future value system that Holochain can lead.
I have a deep interest in getting the ecological services of the planet recognized as green capital, that I feel would protect them as the invaluable assets they are, be it a sapling or an elephant. I aim to help design, build, and deploy, with the help of some of you more proficient with coding and application design, an ecosystem of hApp software that would carry humanity beyond the fossil fuel era, where the excuse to keep polluting via a Carbon offset is seen as off target.
I like to call it the Titanium age.
An age of no pollution because we all will be assessed accurately, and be held accountable to a release - capture bio currency equation , where biodiversity is respected
and not only used as indicators for assessing ecosystem health, but also for the marketing of products from the land which was used for the growing/production/manufacture or the sale of any product
, to build the software to a mvp we may need to specifically target, locally grown, field to mouth, zero carbon direct, organic perishable food.
An indicator species certified, GPS/processed optical data centric, low cost approach to environmental education, an eBay for fresh produce, a land certification and marketing tool, and an invaluable green capital database for all natural spaces, all rolled in to one, that is the grand architecture.
The logic goes like this;
By virtue of the specific species the land provides refuge for, and therefore, a habitat for, we can say something about the health of that block of land. This goes beyond mere organic farming to addressing biological diversity and ecological sustainability as well.
The more extensive and the closer to endemic fauna and flora species present, the higher the health of that ecosystem. So the varieties of species and the numbers counted, we can say how healthy that ecosystem is in a specific known aspect of the pollution tolerance threshold or limit of that particular species. The more data through space and time the better the accuracy of this assessment will be. To do this at a reasonable cost and especially, without corrupt data, younger school kids, namely students with a teacher, on an environment education curriculum centered field trip, will be invited to a land that’s awaiting certification. The kids will need to spot and then quietly, photo/gps tag species, bigger high school age kids will do parts per million and parts per billion (ppm and ppb) as the case may be, pollution/growth etc. counts studies on the same land at a different time, but the universities and conservation ngo’s will need to drive this research, and the data collection exercises, in order to create indices, that are to be used on the products coming from this, now certified land.
The zoning system for such an undertaking should being based on the boundaries of nature, and on sustainability; therefore, that being done on a watershed basis, seems a natural fit so we won’t be restricted by national boundaries