Substack Scam and Emails

Substack Scam and Emails

Last week a scam was perpetrated on substack in Holochain’s name. We are aware that a handful of emails have been sent to people associated with Holo and Holochain.

We take reports of scams and the potential of data breaches very seriously and we are committed to sharing information transparently and as quickly as possible.

Here is what we can confirm at this time:

The scam site on was removed within hours of the first report we received it on Wednesday, January 14, 2021.

We have audited every system that holds contact data and have found no evidence of a breach.

The recipients of the emails reported thus far do not match those in a single data repository and some emails used were not found in any Holo systems.

We have further found evidence that this is a widespread scam phenomenon (many are available, here is an example.

We are continuing to gather information from members of our communities and from Substack. If any further details emerge or any risks become apparent for our communities, we will share it immediately.

If you have received a scam email message, please let us now in this thread.

Thank You!

Holo Team