
I believe I figured out the problem. It seems to only happen on “slow” machines, so I’m guessing that even though you have Big Sur, your mac is probably kind of slow?
I have a simple fix that just increases the default timeout. It worked on the old Mac I have that had the same problem.

Not sure about slow, but here are my stats for you to judge whether they fit your expectations.

hmmm well thats definitely not “slow”. Lets hope the next release will work out for you nonetheless.

A new release is up!
You can now switch between networks by using network ids.

I even provided a release for arm64 (i.e. raspberrypi 3/4).
I have a pi4 running it so if you connect to the default network you should see a “pi-bot” user.

The Mac problem on second start seems related the proxy server. If people are experiencing this problem (The window loads but not the UI), I recommend trying a different proxy, by running your own or using one from the community. You can change it on first startup with the menu: “Edit -> Change Proxy Server”, or you could manually edit the conductor-config.yaml file in your config folder under storage.


Hey people!

I made a CLI and a Terminal User Interface for Snapmail.
Here is the release.
Its mostly a proof of concept, but its 100% functional: you can send mails & attachments to other peers on the network even if they use the normal GUI.

View Inbox

Write Mail


Wow, so cool!

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Version v0.0.5 is out :slight_smile:
Native on Windows, Linux, MacOs, RaspberryPi


Hey, can someone come online for a sec? I’d love to test this super-cool (h)app, now that a Windows release is out.

[cc @bierlingm, @ddd-mtl, …]

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I’ll try and keep it online today. What’s your username?

My username is moritzbierling

Cool. Mine is the-a-man (The Animal Man; haha; attracts more spiders than the spider man, more bats than the bat man, way smaller than the ant man, yet way faster than the superman, this is the animal man; haha).

Are you online?

Wait, gotta turn on the vm. I run all dev-related things on a remote vm. Just a sec.

Hey, what’s the bootstrap server you’re using? I’ve inputted

Same, me too

Then why can’t I see you in my Contacts?

Not sure. Let’s try

By the way, what does one input in the network-id?

Not sure, I simply downloaded and tried using it

And you can see Damien there in the contacts, right?