Holoport for sale

Looking to buy a holoport too. And in the US. MSG me pls. Thanks.

Hi there, based in UK and I am looking to buy a holoport+

Hi! Still for sale? Interested.

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Anyone have some Holoports for sale?

Hi, I am looking to buy a holoport+
Thank you

As I missed my email alert , and I think that are a lot of Holoports bought by non-techie ppl that are not gonna use it, im interested in bought some if you are not use it or dont know how to use it.


Hello, I am interested in buying a HoloPort Nano, HoloPort, or HoloPort+.
If anyone is selling please reply. Thank you.

Anyone still selling their HoloPorts?

Hi ,
If anyone’s selling their Holoport, I like to buy .
Please reach out- dyan.006@gmail.com

Hi Gerrit, do you have the holoport to sell?

Hello, looking for any holoport for sale.
Send message to khomme@gmail.com
Thank you

Looking for a Holoport to buym i am located in the Netherlands. Please contact me

Hi if you still have it for sale we can complete a secure purchase. I would definitely like to buy it. Thanks

Salut Dirk28CGN,

Un bonjour depuis la Neuveville, au bord de la Sarine.

Villeicht sprichst du Deutsch, also viele gruesse von Saaneufer Neistat, Altestadt.

Je suis de Fribourg et très enthousiaste à propos d’Holochain. Je me suis inscrit pour le dev camp 8 et me motive à faire l’holo-gym. Ce serait intéressant de se rencontrer à l’occasion pour partager Nos intérêts.

Ich bin auch von Freiburg, und motiviert um Holochain dev zu lernen. Dazu bin ich im dev camp 8 und habe ich holo-gym beginnt. Es würde geil uns zu vermieten, und unsere Interessen mitteilen. Entschuldige mir für mein niedrigen deutsch.

See you soon, hopefully.

Looking for a Holoport-Holoport+ to buy i am located in the Netherlands.



Looking to Purchase a used Holominer of any model. If anyone has one theyre looking to get rid of please email me at parkermundo@gmail.com
Thanks! Happy mining

Looking to buy a holoport. Email me at medinaalberto0212@gmail.con. Really interested

Still looking to sell ??

Hello there are you stil selling your holoport+? Im from EU and im interested