Where! hApp Review-Signaling-Capability Token-State Management-Profile- WebComponents &... explained

00:00:00 Intro
00:02:15 Where! project overview
00:09:44 DNA design diagram
00:12:11 DNA explained with demo
00:30:42 How Where DNA uses profile Zome?
00:37:33 Signaling & Ping explained
00:48:55 Eventual consistency in UI without refresh page
00:53:52 What can be the next step for Ping?
00:56:40 Capability token & grants explained
01:02:01 UI: types and service and mapping objects
01:07:00 State management for components. store & service & reactive UI explained
01:13:35 UI structure and components explanation
01:16:43 When and why Lit and Svelte used in UI?
01:20:14 scopedElements in Lit explained
01:26:20 Why lib & apps packages exist in UI?
01:27:53 How to use Profile Zome and send some parameters to it.
01:29:51 How to adapt Profile Zome into any projects flow.
01:39:44 Ending

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