Weekend Virtual HackAlong: FloWriter [Join and help transition my app to Holochain]

EDIT: No Sunday session!


A virtual hackalong, open to technical and otherly-gifted people alike.

The focus will be on my app FloWriter and migrating its backend from localStorage to Holochain.

Saturday, 12m to 7pm CEST
Sunday 2pm to 7pm CEST

My Zoom room: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/2210085648

Context & Explanation

I am currently in the second to last week of a three month long web development bootcamp. In this last of three months, all participants are building their capstone project, me included.

This weekend, I’m holding an open app development session for my app FloWriter. It gives the user a minimal interface for meditating (or ‘clearing’/‘expressing’) through writing.

So far, I have built:

  • the core functionality: a writing session with a background that fades from blue to black over a pre-defined time period (e.g. 90 seconds)
  • a note pad that allows you to save your reflections after a session concludes
  • prompts shown before a session starts that seed a certain direction or feel
  • logs for all of the above, viewable by the user (editable in the future)

You can view my code on GitHub and my (near-)daily log of progress on the dedicated Futureland page.

GitHub: https://github.com/bierlingm/capstone-project
Project Log on Futureland: https://futureland.tv/bierlingm/capstone-project

Now, I am looking for some help in integrating Holochain into the app, which is why I’m hosting an open HackAlong focused on this.

Specifically, I’d like to transition the backend from localStorage to Holochain. We’ll see how far we get, and how quickly; if we succeed before the time is over, I’ll keep the room open for others to share their projects or whatever we want to do.


I start in half an hour. Looking forward to seeing some of you there! :smiley:

The zoom is now open: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/2210085648

Since there was no interest yesterday and I don’t expect more today, I’ll conclude this experiment prematurely. So no session today.

I’ll be sure to try a different approach next time. :smiley:

Missed this thread, but hope to catch future sessions. It might be worthwhile plugging it into the hackalongs. Either the one on Europe time, or the Asia-Pac one which could look at it from a lens of modularity.

1 Like

Thanks Sid, I’ll consider that. :smiley:

+1 I would also like to join if there was another session

OK, thanks Anton, I’ll keep it in mind

Me too!