Wanted: matrix comparing holochain to various projects / technologies

I’m interested in finding, or helping to create if needed, a matrix of features of holochain vs other projects, eg:

  • SAFE Network
  • Cardano
  • Polkadot
  • Protocol Labs stack: IPFS/IPNS/IPLD
  • etc

… to help us understand and share the similarities and differences with these projects.

Does anyone know of such a matrix?

Even if it doesn’t have holochain in it yet, that’s fine, most of the work is in gathering info on other projects.


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The only one I’ve come across so far is this one, but interested to see others.

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Posts quite a lot of good resources like this

Had a quick scroll but didn’t find the type of matrix you’re looking for only one comparing chat apps but there might be more.

To expand on this a bit. I’d really like to see some discussion on the comparison between Holochain and Matrix Protocol.

Both seem to be trying to solve a problem within the distributed P2P communication space and I want to know what’s are the “big picture” conceptual differences in approach.

Both protocols are being used to expand into social networking technologies:
With Matrix being used to found a conceptual Dutch social network called PubHubs
and Holochain being used to convert the social network Hylo into an hApp.

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Free (as in beer and speech) Software and Open Source Software share many physical attributes however are distinct in ways a comparison matrix is incapable of communicating.

I feel similar about the comparison between the Holochain project along with its broader reach of other siblings encompassed in CEPTR and other technologies like the one you mention.

I wonder if you have read Unenclosable Carriers and the Future of Communication, and if not I would be interested to know if your question changes post a read.


where I can find the fulltext article