Waiting for Holochain to configure and boot / holochain.1 Exited with exit code SIGINT


i just wanted to start developing my first demo app to get warm with Holochain.
On Startup following happened.

[nix-shell:~/demo1]$ yarn start
yarn run v1.22.17
$ nf start
10:45:29 AM sim2h.1 | /bin/sh: 1: sim2h_server: not found
[DONE] Killing all processes with signal SIGINT
10:45:29 AM sim2h.1 Exited Successfully
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | npm
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | WARN lifecycle The node binary used for scripts is /tmp/tmp.oAMP1ViKBd/yarn–1644248729800-0.505725791923048/node but npm is using /nix/store/a3cgmc02bg5pnav0219bwzx6hqdssbjh-nodejs-12.22.9/bin/node itself. Use the --scripts-prepend-node-path option to include the path for the node binary npm was executed with.
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | > demo1@0.1.1 hc:start /home/datpascal/demo1
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | > npm run hc:config && npm run hc:run
10:45:30 AM react.1 | $ cd ui_src && node connect-to-conductor
10:45:30 AM react.1 | Waiting for Holochain to configure and boot
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | npm
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | WARN lifecycle The node binary used for scripts is /tmp/tmp.oAMP1ViKBd/yarn–1644248729800-0.505725791923048/node but npm is using /nix/store/a3cgmc02bg5pnav0219bwzx6hqdssbjh-nodejs-12.22.9/bin/node itself. Use the --scripts-prepend-node-path option to include the path for the node binary npm was executed with.
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | > demo1@0.1.1 hc:config /home/datpascal/demo1
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | > cd dna_src && hc test --testfile test/config-generate.js | tee conductor-output.txt && node test/config-copy.js
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | error: The subcommand ‘test’ wasn’t recognized
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | USAGE:
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | hc help …
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | For more information try --help
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | npm WARN lifecycle The node binary used for scripts is /tmp/tmp.oAMP1ViKBd/yarn–1644248729800-0.505725791923048/node but npm is using /nix/store/a3cgmc02bg5pnav0219bwzx6hqdssbjh-nodejs-12.22.9/bin/node itself. Use the --scripts-prepend-node-path option to include the path for the node binary npm was executed with.
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | > demo1@0.1.1 hc:run /home/datpascal/demo1
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | > holochain -c ./1-conductor-config.toml
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | Error: You asked to load configuration from the path:
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | ./1-conductor-config.toml
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | but this file doesn’t exist. Please either create a YAML config file at this
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | path yourself, or rerun the command with the ‘-i’ flag, which will help you
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | automatically create a default config file.
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | npm ERR!
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | errno 42
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | npm ERR!
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | demo1@0.1.1 hc:run: holochain -c ./1-conductor-config.toml
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | npm ERR! Exit status 42
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | npm ERR!
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | npm ERR! Failed at the demo1@0.1.1 hc:run script.
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | npm ERR! /home/datpascal/.npm/_logs/2022-02-07T15_45_30_508Z-debug.log
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | npm ERR! errno 42
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | npm ERR!
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | demo1@0.1.1 hc:start: npm run hc:config && npm run hc:run
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | npm ERR! Exit status 42
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | npm ERR!
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | npm ERR! Failed at the demo1@0.1.1 hc:start script.
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 | npm ERR! /home/datpascal/.npm/_logs/2022-02-07T15_45_30_525Z-debug.log
10:45:30 AM holochain.1 Exited with exit code SIGINT
10:45:35 AM react.1 | Waiting for Holochain to configure and boot
10:45:40 AM react.1 | Waiting for Holochain to configure and boot
10:45:45 AM react.1 | Waiting for Holochain to configure and boot
10:45:50 AM react.1 | Waiting for Holochain to configure and boot
10:45:55 AM react.1 | Waiting for Holochain to configure and boot
10:46:00 AM react.1 | Waiting for Holochain to configure and boot
10:46:05 AM react.1 | Waiting for Holochain to configure and boot

The “Waiting for Holochain to configure and boot” gets printed indefinitely every few seconds.
Is the Problem known?
I appreciate any help.
