Validation in Holochain in Action

00:02:30 review validate function…
00:06:33 HDK functions mapping to DHT Operations*hp………
00:11:05 New perspective about validations
00:12:54 Validation demo in Gym
00:19:51 review StoreElement operation
00:27:17 Deterministic and nonDeterministic queries in validation function
00:38:40 Possilble result of validation function
00:41:27 Validation in Countersigning
00:44:07 review RegisterAgentActivity operation
00:51:00 review StoreEntry operation
00:54:12 Element in DHT has Hash?
00:56:02 Data Strucute Terminology…
00:58:00 StoreElement vs StoreEntry
00:59:04 Who valiate what?
01:01:17 review RegisterEntryDelete operatoin
01:09:35 brief review to all validate operations with some tips

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