Using vein recognition for decentralized identity solution as it is possibly the best biometric so far

(the following article is written using Chatgpt)
Vein recognition is a biometric technology that uses infrared light to scan and map the unique patterns of veins in a person’s hand or finger. This technology is considered to be more secure than traditional biometrics such as fingerprints or facial recognition, as the patterns of veins in a person’s hand are difficult to replicate or falsify.

One of the main advantages of vein recognition is its high level of security. The patterns of veins in a person’s hand are unique and cannot be easily replicated or falsified, making it a highly secure form of biometric identification. Additionally, vein recognition is considered to be more hygienic than other forms of biometric identification, as it does not require direct contact with a person’s skin.

Another advantage of vein recognition is its ability to be used for creating decentralized digital identities. By using a combination of vein recognition, passwords, and web IDs, it is possible to create a highly secure and decentralized digital identity system that is not controlled by any one central authority. Furthermore, the integration of semi-fungible soulbound NFTs allows the users to have a unique and unchangeable digital identity that can be used in various scenarios like online voting, online banking and more.

However, vein recognition technology is still relatively new, and there are some limitations to its implementation. One of the main limitations is the cost of the technology, as the infrared scanners required to scan and map the patterns of veins in a person’s hand are relatively expensive. Additionally, the technology is not yet widely available, and it may be difficult to find a device that is compatible with the technology.

In terms of implementation, Vein recognition technology can be integrated into existing systems or applications using various programming languages like Rust. Here’s an example of how vein recognition can be implemented in Rust:

use std::io::Write;
use std::str::FromStr;

fn main() {
    let mut input = String::new();
    let mut scanner = Scanner::new();
    scanner.scan(&mut input);
    let veincode = VeinCode::from_str(&input).unwrap();
    println!("Vein Code: {}", veincode);

struct VeinCode(Vec<u8>);

impl VeinCode {
    fn new() -> VeinCode {
        VeinCode(vec![0; 256])

impl FromStr for VeinCode {
    type Err = ();

    fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<VeinCode, ()> {
        let mut vc = VeinCode::new();
        for (i, c) in s.chars().enumerate() {
            if i >= 256 {
                return Err(());
            vc.0[i] = c as u8;

impl std::fmt::Display for VeinCode {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
        for &c in &self.0 {
            write!(f, "{}", c as char)?;

struct Scanner {
    reader: std::io::Stdin,

impl Scanner {
    fn new() -> Scanner {
        Scanner {
            reader: std::io::stdin(),
