Hi all. I will be organizing an event in Singapore on 12 Sept (2nd day of Invest Asia), Thurs, 530-845pm at PayPal Singapore called the “UnStack the Stack” series which we showcase projects catering to different layer of crypto!
We will feature bloXroute (Layer 0 Blockchain Distribution Network) and of course, Holochain! David Atkinson will be the main speaker while Philip Beadle will do a live demo of Holoport + p2p chat to our audience. Can’t wait to show people the look and feel of Holoport!
Here is our tweet of the event: https://twitter.com/WorldDappers/status/1166641488677068801?s=19 which you can also access our eventbrite page to sign up if you do plan come to Singapore. Please also do share and like our tweet and further increase the exposure for Holochain and Holo.
Lastly, we have also created a HOLOchain Asia group in conjuction with our event with the aim to connect the holochain community across asia! Do join us at t.me/holoasia
Thanks guys!