Quick Update - Jan the 19th, 2021

Today’s Update

We are preparing to move into a dev test today with the changes we shared about in the previous week’s updates.

We’ve integrated the functionality so the dev test we do today, will assess all of these improvements:

  1. Large chat messages prevented
  2. Fixed overzealous republishing of Holochain content to reduce network traffic volume
  3. Holochain networking/gossip configuration changes
  4. Ability to disable older versions of hApps running on a HoloPort
  5. Signal messages no longer erased when gossip updates
  6. Timestamps added to messages
  7. Tryorama/TryCP testing framework updated for RSM

During today’s testing we will confirm the configurations set for gossip are showing improvements and then we will update behavioural tests that measure transactions-per-second such that we can use them in a multi-machine context. This is what will allow us to see how things perform at 500 nodes as we test throughout the week. We expect to move this newly integrated dev test out to our community for ‘in-the-wild’ testing which will allow the testers who worked with us in December to compare performance and experience as we ready Elemental Chat to be released to all hosts.

With regards to the full hosted version of Elemental Chat, we have completed the HoloPort OS endpoints that install hApps based on the hApps being added and referenced in the hosting app DHT. We are also now formally in review for Envoy, the component that provides the linkage between the installed UIs and the hosting port that is responding to the zome calls.

Some exciting news in the Holochain space is that just yesterday, we pushed an early version of a Holochain tool for generating / running / interacting with conductor setups. This is a big win for usability and it has been shared with ecosystem devs already so that we can get feedback asap. This comes after an update to holochain-conductor-api which is now at v0.0.1-dev.16.

A good start to the week with more to come as we shift back to testing.