Pacman - Classic Games

Just like the space invaders we shared with the community, we now bring PacMan to the mix. Also, open source, so feel free to use it and build on top of it.

For the Holochain backend, it stores players info, results, higher scores, etc. The idea by adding these games is to create a game profile which can be transferable within games and one where players can see each other scores. Here is a quick video of the pacman.
Any questions, please let me know.

Thank you


that’s awesome!

so is the game profile shared between pacman and space invaders?

Super cool! Love what you and EYSS are doing.

yes David, that is the intended outcome

Thank you

Score validation could be added by having the agent provide the list of inputs it used to get the score. That way another agent could verify the score by running the game engine with the provided inputs.

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thanks @eduardo.moreira for your effort of implementing a lot of nice and useful tools.

can you share github repository of this project if possible? I would like to see what kind of modules and libraries other project can reuse from this one.

Yes, but this is difficult to implement preventing mocking input data. Like how do I know you made all those inputs on the frontend? This is somewhat difficult…

This is it Hedayat:

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Indeed, you can’t. But its still better than self declared score, no?

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another agent could verify the score by running the game engine with the provided inputs

I think that’s a really cool idea

how do I know you made all those inputs on the frontend?

It’s hard to come up with inputs that will result in a high score – it amounts to actually playing the game. Artificially creating inputs that result in a high score amounts to a bot that can play the game. So even if a human didn’t provide the inputs, somebody was still playing, and if they get the high score, it just means AI has surpassed humans in arcade games (if they haven’t already) :stuck_out_tongue:

Granted, it’s quite a bit more work to make the inputs replayable.

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