P2P sharing

Hi Guys,
Has anyone developed anything on the topic of P2P sharing via holochain?
In general, I am interested in several topics: P2P car sharing, P2P insurance, P2P home sharing …

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Hi Blago, I think there’s been a good deal of prototyping of various types of P2P sharing via holochain, although “how developed” each prototype is (and, how active each project is) is highly variable. You can see a list of HApp projects here: hApps - Holochain Forum

FYI, I think each goal/mission (such as car sharing, insurance, home sharing etcetera) will have some unique issues and concerns, but most of the basic P2P sharing challenges would be the same for all projects: how to govern the network, how to connect offers and requests, and how to model and monitor reputation for the people and/or projects who offer goods and services.

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