Native NixOS for Windows?

Nice, yeah you should use Multi Project Setup.

navigate between definitions

What do you mean by this?

Yeah, it builds when Multi Project Setup.
How u ever came across this issue Im getting now?

failed to fetch ``
failed to mmap. Could not write data: Permission denied; class=Os (2)

When I say navigate between definitions, I mean that if I do ctrl+click or right-click => Go To definition´ on an hdk definition, lets say i.e EntryValidationData` Im not being able to see the code of the entry.
Not sure however if this behavior is avalaible for HDK packages.

It should definitely work! I haven’t seen that error before.

Has RLS finished building? You should see a spinning wheel in the bottom bar.

It is.

But it finishes with the error:

Do you mind sharing what’s in the toml?

name = "my_zome"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["hc-scaffold-framework"]
edition = "2018"

serde = "=1.0.89"
serde_json = { version = "=1.0.39", features = ["preserve_order"] }
serde_derive = "=1.0.89"
hdk = "=0.0.42-alpha5"
hdk_proc_macros = "=0.0.42-alpha5"
holochain_wasm_utils = "=0.0.42-alpha5"
holochain_json_derive = "=0.0.1-alpha2"

path = "src/"
crate-type = ["cdylib"]

It is just the app that generates when I do hc init my_app

Could you share your config json of RLS for both workspace and remote?

I can see that there’s permission issues trying to fetch data from my local machine on these two paths:

I encountered a similar error message in my WSL2 setup.
For me the fix was this:

Might be worth trying.

Thanks @tixel. I just wrote a post of all steps.