Long term vision

For the long term vision for our project, check out this interview with Holochain Citizen, ‘The Yin and Yang of Wealth’.


I have a very stripped down and simple model that I think can provide the extensibility and capability to replace debt money altogether, which is also based on distributed reputation insofar as everyone can issue notes whose redeemability and value will depend upon those dynamics. In most simplified terms, registered thanks, which may also be thanks in advance, thus credit exists without corresponding debt.


That sounds interesting @pythagorean. Perhaps we should chat some time - over the next three months we’ll be assisting entrepreneurs use our interchange for applications like these.

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Looking forward to chatting weds… :pray::sparkling_heart::tada::innocent::grin:

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That registered thanks could be karma as part of the OASIS API used in Our World… :pray::sparkling_heart::grin:
