For our next meetup on Tue, 1 Dec, 6pm GMT (London, UK), we will have the pleasure of Alastair Ong doing a Q&A on hosting. I’d love for you to join if you can.
The event is open to all - all here and public. Pls register on the Meetup link below.
(the above video conferencing is based on – which is open source)
Chromium based browser, e.g. Chrome, Brave, Opera or MS Edge (with Blink engine).
On mobiles, you can use the native app Jitsi Meet — just make sure the link opens up in a dedicated browser (not in-app) so that the native app gets started properly. Or simply copy & paste the URL into the native mobile app.
For optimal results, replace the server URL in the settings of the mobile app with the following:
Jitsi works best in desktop browsers. There is a feedback in mobile browsers so I don’t recommend it.