Learning Happ that teaches individual data sovereignty as a human right

[quote=“f00bar42, post:1, topic:2852, full:true”]
Team Size: 1

list your teammates if they’re on the forum

Description: Learning Happ with the focus of framing individual data soveignty as a human right. The instruction will cover the basics of distributed computation app construction and how that empowers individuals with their own data. Framing distributed apps in this framework will serve all other Happs by elevating each Happ beyond its intended function and into the higher cause of exercising a human right.

Resources: No further documents

Similar app or site: An abridged version of the language learning app “Dulingo.” Lessons are rewarded with badges and skills are tested and rewarded at the end of each instructional period.

I am at…: Concept formulation stage.

This can be one of the following:
Proof of concept : I need help for proof of concept.
Design and implementation: I know that holochain is the right tool for my app and now need to design & implement the app
Fund rasing: I am sure about project, design & implementation are handled, and now need to go further

Skills: list any skills that are needed for your project. Includes technical (languages, technologies) and not-so-technical (fund raising, community outreach). Rate your team proficiency from 0 - 10 for each skill

Curriculum building: 8
Gamification: 8
Growth Hacking: 9
Fund raising for a meta value project: 2
Social Media Content Creation: 7

  • Holochain knowledge: 8
  • Front-End: 4
  • Back-End: 4
  • UI/UX: 4
  • Others:

Commitment: Under global lockdown…I can devote my full attention to this task if accepted.

What do I need: what do you need for your project to go further?
[/quote] An assessment of “off the shelf Holochain tools” already created that can provide the required functions will dictate timelines, budgets and team creation.

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