It took me way too long to realise just this. But yo, this is really powerful now, it wasn’t obvious until now what features of Holochain mapped to the Deep Wealth currencies. I think it’s making sense
So here’s my current mapping between Deep Wealth and Holochain features, probably too reductive but its helping me understand:
Speculative wealth: tokens
Tradable wealth: mutual-credit accounting, sharing/borrowing tracking
Measurable wealth: deliberate linking of state data to agents, objects and events like HoloVault/Personas, holo-health, HoloREA
Rankable wealth: subjective and objective evaluations, such as likes, ratings, leaderboards, white/blacklists and other expressions of reputation
Relational wealth: the raw and heterogeneous relationships between agents and entries in social graphs, not deliberately recorded, but automatically captured as agents go about their lives using Holochain platforms and protocols
i. directed graphs recording actual data flows e.g direct agent-2-agent communication
ii. movement of signals, with contextual information (e.g. how they are received and processed, lifetime) e.g. Ceptr semantic trees/graphs -
Evolutionary wealth: examination of all the above currencies, which is expressed as discussions, models and immersive, real-time visualisations/experiences, as well as all the conclusions agents have made about how systems could evolve