I have a problem when i update for the las version of hdk

When i update the last version of hdk, the terminal print this error, but i don’t understand the error.

> test
> npm run build:happ && npm t -w tests

> build:happ
> npm run build:dnas && hc app pack ./example/workdir

> build:dnas
> npm run build:zomes && hc dna pack ./example/workdir

> build:zomes
> CARGO_TARGET_DIR=target cargo build --release --target wasm32-unknown-unknown

    Updating crates.io index
error: failed to select a version for `serde`.
    ... required by package `holochain_wasmer_guest v0.0.77`
    ... which satisfies dependency `holochain_wasmer_guest = "=0.0.77"` of package `hdk v0.0.123`
    ... which satisfies dependency `hdk = "^0.0.123"` of package `hc_mixin_elo v0.1.0 (/media/emmanuel/93cd525d-72e6-49ad-a993-8e5b9b0f5828/Documentos/Github/elo/mixin)`
    ... which satisfies path dependency `hc_mixin_elo` (locked to 0.1.0) of package `example_elo v0.0.1 (/media/emmanuel/93cd525d-72e6-49ad-a993-8e5b9b0f5828/Documentos/Github/elo/example/zomes/example)`
versions that meet the requirements `^1.0.136` are: 1.0.136

all possible versions conflict with previously selected packages.

  previously selected package `serde v1.0.123`
    ... which satisfies dependency `serde = "=1.0.123"` of package `holochain_wasmer_guest v0.0.76`
    ... which satisfies dependency `holochain_wasmer_guest = "=0.0.76"` of package `hdk v0.0.120`
    ... which satisfies dependency `hdk = "^0.0.120"` of package `example_elo v0.0.1 (/media/emmanuel/93cd525d-72e6-49ad-a993-8e5b9b0f5828/Documentos/Github/elo/example/zomes/example)`

failed to select a version for `serde` which could resolve this conflict

if you depend on a project, like hc_mixin_elo, that also sets a version of the HDK, it is unwise to try to update to the new version before that dependency has been updated.
That is likely where your issue is arising from.

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