How to calculate the address of an entry without actually submitting it?

Hi guys,

Everything is in the title : is there a way to calculate the address of an entry without actually submitting it?


I think what @ReversedK is looking for is entry_address … takes an Entry:App struct and returns the address that it would get committed to, if it were committed to the chain…


Thank you @Connoropolous! We appreciate your support. It’s awesome to see you on the Forum! We miss you!

Excellent! Thanks Connor!

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Is there a way to do this without touching (importing) the HDK?

I’m trying to get unit tests to work by mocking the results of commit_entry and ```entry_address, but I cannot find a way to calculate the Address for an Entry without loading WASM/DHT code.

Found the answer here:

use holochain_core_types::entry::*;
use holochain_persistence_api::cas::content::{AddressableContent, Content};

pub fn entry_address(entry: &Entry) -> ZomeApiResult<Address> {
    Ok(Address::encode_from_str(&String::from(entry.content()), Hash::SHA2256))
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