Domain names are private properties just like a prime piece of land. Different domain names on different networks, therefore, have different prices. For example, a domain “the-a-man.hell” might sell for 100 dollars on the ICANN’s mainstream traditional domain registrars’ domain-purchasing services. And it might sell for just 40$ on ENS (the Ethereum Name Server; though they only sell .eth domains). Or it might sell for just 20$ on the unstoppable domains (though they offer only .crypto and .zil domains). The price differences should be evident and are due mainly to the fact that most people (or most browsers) search domains on the traditional DNS servers’ registry.
That said, there is (and should only be) only one thing to dictate the price of a domain on any platform, that being the free-market competition. But that’s sadly not the case at all! And it’s damn disappointing. In fact, when you purchase a .crypto domain, the fixed price of $40 goes just to those Zilga people who wrote that smart-contract; why then have a price if it doesn’t even serve any purpose! Same with ENS (plus they charge a goddamn holding fee too for as long as you hold it)! It’s theft that they’re committing, nothing more (forget the DNS; after all, what can be expected of that filthy centralized oligopoly)! Rot in hell ENS, rot in hell DNS, rot in hell unstoppable-domains!
I hope someone implements a sincere domain marketplace on Holochain where the sole determiner of the price of a domain is the free-market competitive auctions. In fact, these guys below have done a great job designing a framework (an auction theory) for such competitive auctions that should serve all our requirements from our hypothetical domain marketplace (the HoloDom, maybe…).
Simultaneous Multi-Round Auctions:
This (h)app, I believe, should be another of those fundamental (h)apps being worked on by the Holo(chain) team itself (besides the persona/profile (h)app and the likes of it)…