Holochain v0.0.44-alpha4 released

Holochain v0.0.44-alpha4 has been released. This is not a ‘blessed’ release, which means you’ll need to download the binaries from the release page or compile it from source.

What’s new in this release?

  • No new features

Bug fixes

  • Gossip no longer dropped in heavy load situations! This lets us support 5000 nodes and beyond. #2137
  • Improvements to reliability when joining network #2115 #2120
  • Better DHT lookups in offline mode #2119

Breaking changes

  • Link queries no longer support regex matching #2133. This may be a big change to developer experience. If you’ve been using regexes to filter links by tag or type, please let us know below, and share your use case so we can think about other ways to support it.

Known issues

  • We’re still seeing direct message timeouts and investigating whether it’s related to Holochain or a specific hApp.

How to upgrade

As mentioned, this is not a ‘blessed’ release, which means you’ll need to download the binaries from the release page or compile it from source.

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