Holochain Forum Now Live

Holochain Forum will Build and Expand our Dev Community

The Holochain Developer Forum has been a labor of love for quite a while. We’re thrilled to share that the Forum launched today, August 15th! We would love for this forum to expand our community of creators, makers, and developers by offering a space for knowledge sharing, peer-to-peer learning, and contributions to this multifaceted project.

As the Holochain ecosystem grows, we want to extend the project’s visibility by making it possible for everyone to participate and view content.

The new Forum will be a key step in the Holochain developer’s journey — from here, they can learn about Holochain technology, discover projects and apps using Holochain, and get involved in discussions with other developers.

Forums have long been a way to dig deeper into particular interests, and we want to make this possible for anyone who shares a passion for the work we’re doing. Additionally, we can get more developer engagement from the beginning, and solve problems before they reach the end user.

Benefits of an Open-Forum Platform

Powered by Discourse, we believe the new Forum offers many benefits to our community.

  • The threaded conversation format will make it much easier to find and contribute to important topics, which can optionally be turned into Wikis, editable by all but the newest users to keep everything up-to-date.
  • As part of the new Forum, we are listing projects building with Holochain to encourage more discussion and collaboration — we will hold project-specific AMAs and work with them to better facilitate community engagement.
  • Discourse is a proactive and humane approach to community management which will help pull individuals to the most relevant information for their needs, without distractions. Its design comes from many years of experience running some of the most popular community spaces on the internet.

Welcome to the Holochain Developer Forum

Transitioning from Mattermost

From the very beginning of the Holochain Project, we’ve wanted a place where our team members, volunteers, supporters, and other interested parties could connect. We hoped to create a space to answer questions, share stories of our work, ask for and offer help, and build a movement around our project. We turned to Mattermost, an open-source chat application, to serve this purpose. We’re grateful for our time on Mattermost and we think this new structure will make it easier to post questions and find answers. Lets make it easier to learn, discuss, and collaborate.

Mattermost Channel Deprecations

Beginning on August 15th, we will mark development and technology-related channels, like App Dev and Holochain Tech Q&A, as ‘deprecated.’

During a two-week grace period, 8/15–8/29, we’ll continue to monitor these channels and gently nudge discussions towards the appropriate Forum categories. After that period (8/29), we will officially archive them with a message pointing to the Holochain Forum. If you are not sure if a channel has been depreciated, simply check its header.

Here is an initial list of the impacted Mattermost channels :
App Dev
Holochain/Tech Q&A
HC Core
HC App Ideas
Newbie Holo Devs
App: DPKI-Identity
App: File Storage
App: HoloREA
Dev: Capabilities
Dev: Collections
Dev: Cross-DNA links
Dev: User Interface
Dev: GraphQL
DevCamp related channels

Join the discussion on the Holochain Forum

We hope to cultivate a thriving developer community on the new Holochain Forum. We are offering this space as an opportunity for you to learn alongside peers, share your expertise, and contribute to the growing ecosystem. We greatly value the feedback and participation of our community, and can’t wait to see what you think of the new Holochain Forum.

Please give your input! It will greatly help make it better as we grow!

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