Hc package not working (PC, Vagrant, nix-shell to holonix v 71)

Working on an app in the portland hackathon, two team members are building just fine on the same code (one on mac, one on linux). When I attempt to hc package the same code on my Vagrant instance, I get the following error:

Error: Couldn’t create a DNA from the bundle, got error missing field code at line 124 column 14
JSON bundle was:
“name”: “Coalesce”,
“description”: “An app for (self) organizing events”,
“authors”: [
“identifier”: “Author Name author@name.com”,
“public_key_source”: “”,
“signature”: “”
“version”: “0.1.0”,
“dht”: {},
“properties”: null,
“dist”: {},
“test”: {
“devDependencies”: {},
“dependencies”: {
@holochain/tryorama”: “^0.3.0”,
“faucet”: “0.0.1”,
“json3”: “*”,
“sleep”: “^6.1.0”,
“tape”: “^4.9.1”
“zomes”: {
“data”: {
“name”: “data”,
“description”: “Generated from the rust-zome-template”,
“code”: {
“code”: “AGFzbQEAAAAB2gIxYAF/AGABfwF+YAF+AX5gAn9/AGADf39/AGAAAX9gAn9/AX9gAn9+AX9gA39/fwF/YAZ/f39/f38AYAJ/fABgAX8Bf2AEf39/fwBgBH9/f38Bf2AAAGAFf39/f38AYAJ/fgBgAn9/AX5gBH9+f38Bf2ACfn4BfmAAAX5gBX9/f39/AX9gAn99AGAHf39/f39/fwBgBn9/f39/fwF/YAN/f3wAYAl/f39/f39/f38Bf2AIf39/f39/f38Bf2AIf39/f39/f38AYAp/f39/f39/f39/AX9gA39/fwF+YAN/fn8AYAR/f35+AGADf39…AAA=”
“entry_types”: {}…

The json looks valid.

Any thoughts on how to get through this?

@petersgrandadventure I just discovered this post; sorry it languished for so long. Could you give a snippet from around line 124? So far it all looks right…

I’m running into the same issue independently. Did you find a way to resolve it?