Do you know any journalists or independent creators?

We are looking for people in the journalism field for user interviews and testing.

:newspaper: If you are in the field of journalism, or know anyone who is, please send them our way!

:face_with_thermometer: We are interested in finding journalists, editors, and others with journalism or independent publishing experience to help us shape humm as we continue our deep work on identifying the underlying pain in the journalism and independent creator industries.

:memo: :thinking: We are currently interviewing people in the industry and curating our private alpha user list.

:speech_balloon: You can contact me here directly on the forum, or contact us here: or at


I am working on a small team of content creators through a fountainhouse in Sweden. There are some people here interested in trying the holoport when it arrives.

Hi @nickmitchell -

I have someone doing some interesting work with folks over in Africa. His name is Michael Josefowicz. Maybe easiest to find him on Twitter - ‘toughLoveforx’. He certainly seems to have an interest in Holochain and Humm.Earth at this point.

I’ve tagged the Humm.Earth twitter account a couple times in a conversation just today.

You can jump into the existing conversation here…


Thanks Michael I appreciate any help

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