Team Size: 1
Hedayat: @hedayat
Description: I would like to implement something like Smart-Contract that I believe is not the same as traditional meaning of Smart-Contract. This digital contract can be used mainly as 2 parties contracts(Employee/Employer, or State management, or etc)
Similar app or site: Ethereum
I am at…
Design and implementation: I implemented the prototype. So I just stopped because of issue in holochain core. so I need to find another way and continue.
Skills: rate yourself from 0 - 10
Holochain knowledge: I can implement a non-complex holochain application.
Front-End: Typescript(7), Javascript(7), JQuery(7), LitElement(3)
Back-End: Rust(6), NodeJs(5),
UI/UX: CSS(6), Photoshop(3),
Others: Scrum Master(8), Team Management(7)
3 Hours per week
What do I need:
- Multi signature entry
- Multi provenance entry.