and Hot Price


I am investing in the Holochain project and just wondering why in Crypto dot com it was trading at .005 and then at this exchange it’s listed at .0039.

They said the difference is becoming they are adding up the averages and then giving me the price that is reflected on crypto dot com, but just wanted to confirm this with people.

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I participated in the ICOs for both HOT and Monaco (who soon became, and I’ve followed both projects for 5 years now.

I really have my ongoing doubts about, as they have a lengthy track record of dodgy behaviour - unfulfilled promises, and blind-sighting users on little or no notice. Every week they update the app (and sometimes terms), and you can’t use the app or access your accounts unless/until you update.

One thing I’ve observed related to your question, is that prices are NEVER the final buy/sell prices. If they tell you a Buy price, you can expect to pay around 5% more - even though they claim there are “no fees”. Their Sell price is similar - whatever is listed, you receive around 5% less at the time of transaction.

They’re not alone in doing this… I’ve seen various non-DEX exchanges all around the world following similar practices.

So be careful on there.

For me, is useful as a handy app to track a limited selection of one’s overall portfolio, but I wouldn’t trust leaving too many coins on there too. They control our wallets, as well as enforcing terms that can change on a moment’s notice, and they’re on their way to leading the wave of DotCom Boom/Bust nostalgia, which really concerns me, as to what will happen with our coins / wallets.

Another example of… Why is all this new money investing in nonsense like stadium naming rights and not actually directly helping the world? Trickle down, I suppose, but then we haven’t progressed at all.


Yes, i will be leaving this wallet soon for more decentralized and distributed solutions - soon. Perry, also mentioned that this price was pretty close to binance and that it was a fair comparison, however, I also agree with them taking a piece of the action.

We will be having this event on March 25th, and the crypto wallet designed by Perry Kundert will be using a lot of the same configuration as Holochain.

Go to Marketedge dot pro to learn more the event we are hosting, and he will be sharing about what he is designing and would love to hear people’s feedback.

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