The car or ride service is the productive capacity. Owners spend up to their mutual credit limit to invest in cars and users spend up to their debt limit on services. Runs on Holo with as much edge computing as possible in the cars themselves rather than in a distributed cloud of other computers.
I like all the energy saving ideas. But how do we deal with all the extra waste/chips/sensors/etc that are needed? Especially from an agent-centric approach. Is centralization not more efficient, cheaper and cleaner when fighting these kind of things? I am a noob and just wondering…
The general concept is good.
How is the credit limit and credit worthiness of the owners and users established?
How will you prevent someone from going into Debit, buying a car, then selling it and pocketing the money.
How is the credit limit and credit worthiness of the owners and users established?
The credit limit can contract or expand in line with the car service capacity and availability of car/fleet owners. Credit checks can be conducted for both sellers and buyers using existing tools, and this could be developed in-house as a later feature in the roadmap.
How will you prevent someone from going into Debit, buying a car, then selling it and pocketing the money
When Tesla launches robotaxi capability, there will be a much stronger incentive to own cars and provide transportation as a service, rather than buying and quickly selling for a profit. More money can be made this way than “flipping” a car. Besides, it’s up to car buyers to conduct due diligence, and any would be car-buyer ought to be suspicious of a seller who has only owned the car for a short period of time, unless they have fixed the car. This can be assessed by inspecting the ownership history and service history.
There are already car sharing economy services such as Uber Carshare. I’ve rented out my car since I got it in October 2020. I’ve crunched the numbers, as noted here, and found that the ROI per year for renting out my 2005 Hyundai Getz is 27% per year.