Best approach for deserializing websocket holochain call results in RUST

Hi team.
Having some great fun testing on sim2h guys. Fantastic job, very nice for a newb like me!
Battling with rust though and looking for some help on the best/right way to deserialize some output from the DHT from a websocket call by my RUST program.

My setup has two agents bob and alice. Bob is able to read alices chain and gets the following standard output from the dht:


I want to organize this output so have created the following structures:

#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, serde_derive::Serialize, serde_derive::Deserialize)]
struct Root {
    jsonrpc: String,
    result: Result,
    id: String,

#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, serde_derive::Serialize, serde_derive::Deserialize)]
struct Result {
    #[serde(rename = "Ok")]
    ok: Vec<Ok>,

#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, serde_derive::Serialize, serde_derive::Deserialize)]
struct Ok {
    price: String,
    author_id: String,

I want my program to capture in a variable only the last ā€˜price:ā€™ string published on alices chain but Iā€™m struggling to work out the syntax to even just println! the price variable let alone find and capture the last one in the dynamic object.

Can someone help with a clean way to do that?

What have I tried:
Iā€™ve tried to call even the first ā€˜priceā€™ variable above using the following which compiles but panics on the last println! when I run it:

let res = get_from_dht("HcSciaDXrXkqxwv7gukMChvazIuscvcrk457t8n88cmo95en4sPCEdDKvj4ucja".to_string());
println!("{:#?}", res);  //i see all of alices entries.. success
let dhtjson: Root = serde_json::from_str(&res).unwrap();
println!("{:#?}", dhtjson.result.ok[0].price);

It gives me the following error:

thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Error("invalid type: string \"{\\\"Ok\\\":[{\\\"price\\\":\\\"Norm\\\",\\\"author_id\\\":\\\"HcSciaDXrXkqxwv7gukMChvazIuscvcrk457t8n88cmo95en4sPCEdDKvj4ucja\\\"}]}\", expected struct Result", line: 1, column: 141)', src/libcore/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace.

here also is my dht call which works:

fn get_from_dht(_address: String) -> String {
        let json = serde_json::json!(
            {"id": "bob",
             "jsonrpc": "2.0",
             "method": "call",
             "params": {"instance_id": "test-instance",
             "zome": "spot_signal",
             "function": "get_price",
             "args": {"agent_address": _address}}
        let (tx, rx) = channel();
        let tx1 = &tx;
        connect("ws://localhost:3402", |out| {
            // call an RPC method with parameters
            move |msg| {
                println!("Got message: {:#?}", msg);
        rx.recv().unwrap().to_string() // get the value in the dht via websocket

Can you suggest a syntax and approach above to take the return and extract only a particular variable from the multilayered result (i.e. in this case the last price entry included on alices chain)?

my problem is with this line:
let dhtjson: Root = serde_json::from_str(&res.to_string()).unwrap();
println!("{:#?}", dhtjson.jsonrpc);
when I try above to parse the result into my own struct ā€˜Rootā€™ I get the error:
expected struct Result", line: 1, column: 244)', src/libcore/

But it works when I parse to Value i.e.:
let dhtjson: Value = serde_json::from_str(&res.to_string()).unwrap()
println!("{:#?}", dhtjson["jsonrpc"]);
I get:

Even as a temp workaround is there a syntax I can use under in the ā€˜Valueā€™ structure to access my price response?
<and apologies I know this is not a holochain question it is a Rust question so probably shouldnā€™t clog up this channel asking>
i.e this fails (I get Null) but I was expecting Iā€™d be able to use something like this:
println!("{:#?}", dhtjson["result"]["Ok"][0]["price"]);


Not the neatest solution but managed to parse my dht data from websocket.
I had to extract it twice to unwrap the ā€˜resultā€™ which holds a series of objects in an array.
With the code below I was able to extract the first ā€˜priceā€™ value from the response data. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s probably a neater solution in the code examples but if youā€™re playing this works:

    let recieve = rx.recv().unwrap().to_string();
    let res = serde_json::from_str(&recieve.to_owned());
    let mut end_price = json!({ "price": "notset" });
        if res.is_ok() {
            let p: Value = res.unwrap();
            let q: Value = serde_json::from_str(p["result"].as_str().unwrap()).unwrap();
            println!("{}", q["Ok"][0]["price"]);
            end_price = q["Ok"][0]["price"].clone();

        } else {
            println!("didnt work");

My next problem is how to alter this code so only the last ā€˜priceā€™ value from the array of objects is printedā€¦ i.e.

            println!("{}", q["Ok"][THISARRAY.len - 1]["price"]);

Hey @simwilso itā€™s too bad that @freesig is not here (prob in an airport somewhere) because he could probably drill right into a solution for you. Iā€™ll do my best to muddle through my limited knowledge of Rust in the meantime.

In the first example:

let dhtjson: Root = serde_json::from_str(&res).unwrap();

it looks like, in panicking, your code is doing what it ought to. Thatā€™s because serde_json::from_str() gives a Result type (which is either Ok(your_deserialised_value) or Err(some_error)). Unwrap is an all-or-nothing thing which means ā€œget the value or dieā€. As to why itā€™s not deserialising, though, it turns out that the return value of the JSON-RPC call is actually a plain olā€™ string that has to be deserialised to your native type on its own. This would probably work:

struct Root {
    jsonrpc: String,
    result: String,
    id: String,

// ...

let dhtjson: Root = serde_json::from_str(&res).unwrap().result;
let result: Result = serde_json::from_str(&dhtjson.result).unwrap();

// ... Now you can access it as a vector of prices.

But I can see some ways to make things easier.

First of all, there is a JSON-RPC library from Parity that implements a client thatā€™ll give you a typed return value. With this you can skip all the JSON-RPC boilerplate and focus on just your domain types. I donā€™t know if this is the one Tom was using, but maybe he can set you straight once he gets back to Melbourne.

In this case youā€™d probably use it something like this (forgive my abominable Rust):

// Note: rather than re-implementing the zome's structs in this client as I've shown,
// you might just want to take all the domain types from your spot_signal zome
// and put them into a crate of their own, so you can import their type defs
// into both your zome and this client. DRY FTW!
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, serde_derive::Serialize, serde_derive::Deserialize)]
struct SpotPrice {
    price: String,
    author_id: String,

// It's easier to use Rust's built in Result type than roll your own; Serde
// supports it for free. This lets you support both possible return values
// from a zome function: Ok(some_value) or Error(some_error).
alias SpotPricesResult = std::result::Result<Vec<SpotPrice>>;

// [...] skip to the body of your get_from_dht function that gets the last spot price...
let get_price_params = serde_json::json!(
        "instance_id": "test-instance",
        "zome": "spot_signal",
        "function": "get_price",
        "args": { "agent_address": _address }
// call_method() returns a Future, which is the same as a JS promise. It's a
// bit weird because the error condition of this future could be an error in
// serialising the args, or it could be a WebSocket timeout, or it could be an
// error in deserialising the zome function's return value. But at any rate, we
// wait for the future to resolve, then use the ? operator to either unwrap it
// to a successfully deserialised vector of prices, or return an error using the
// ? operator.
let prices = client.call_method("call", "SpotPricesResult", get_price_params).wait()?;
let maybe_last_price = prices.last();
match maybe_last_price {
    Ok(last_price) => println!("{:#?}", last_price.price),
    None => println!("No prices"),

ah thanks Paul.
I managed to get it going using ā€˜Serde_json::Valueā€™ type by doing the following:

let res = serde_json::from_str(&recieve.to_owned());
        let mut end_price = ();
            if res.is_ok() {
                let p: Value = res.unwrap();
                let q: Value = serde_json::from_str(p["result"].as_str().unwrap()).unwrap();
                //println!("{}", q["Ok"][0]["price"]);
                let end_price = &q["Ok"].as_array().unwrap().last().unwrap()["price"];
                println!("{:#?}", end_price);
            } else {
                println!("didnt work");

This gives me the figure I am after in the ā€˜end_priceā€™:

My next problem is though that I want my function here to return a String and in current form above it gives me an error Iā€™m thinking because it is returning a Value::String type:

^^^^^^^^^ expected struct std::string::String , found ()

To finish my function I need to work out how to turn the above into a String here which Iā€™m sure is probably pretty simple but is stretching the limits of my lamo Rust skills atm :slight_smile: )

Anyway once I can work that out I might check if it with Tom and see if we can get a sample added to the rust examples in github.

I still think though the structured model is a much neater model than using the serde_json::Value structure so will go back to that and give your suggestions above a try for sure in the next few days.

Thanks Paul!


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Just catching up on this stuff now.
One thing to note is that what is returned is actually a Result<Vec<Price, Error>> not a Vec<Ok>.
Iā€™m away from the computer right now but Iā€™ll try and give a code example soon.
You probably want something like:

struct Price {
  price: f64,
  author_id: Address,

I would probably use the Value method to get down to the result part of the object then parse that as a Vec<Result<Price, Error>>.

Thanks @freesig. I managed to get it going using the looser serde_json Value approach. Will share my code snip with my approach in this thread tonight.
Still will be keen to get my code a bit cleaner by using with this structure though so will have a play a bit later and get this going and share as well.

If you get a chance paste your code here and Iā€™ll have a look at how we can make it cleaner more structured :slight_smile:

No worries. Hereā€™s the snip:

   fn get_from_dht(_address: String) -> Value {
        let json = serde_json::json!(
            {"id": "device",
             "jsonrpc": "2.0",
             "method": "call",
             "params": {"instance_id": "test-instance",
             "zome": "signal_agent",
             "function": "get_price",
             "args": {"agent_address": _address}}
        let (tx, rx) = channel();
        let tx1 = &tx;
        connect("ws://localhost:3401", |out| {
            // call an RPC method with parameters
            move |msg| {
        let recieve = rx.recv().unwrap().to_string();
        let res = serde_json::from_str(&recieve.to_owned());
        let end_price: Value;
            if res.is_ok() {
                let p: Value = res.unwrap();
                let q: Value = serde_json::from_str(p["result"].as_str().unwrap()).unwrap();
                end_price = q["Ok"].as_array().unwrap().last().unwrap()["price"].clone();//q["Ok"][0]["price"].clone();
                println!("{:#?}", end_price);
            } else {
                end_price = json!(["didnt work"]);
                println!("didnt work");

(one quick note: I think the price should be a string or integer, because floating point math can cause wacky errors. Looks like Rust has no native decimal type, but thereā€™s a neat Rust lib that emulates decimals though.)

Hey I have been trying to get this to work for days but I just canā€™t get the output you posted to parse. Are you sure this is what the zome is returning?


The backslashes seem wrong.
I made a simple playground to test:

Also could you post the zome function that returns this. I think maybe that could be simplified.

Hi @freesig
Hereā€™s the output I get:


Iā€™m seeing double-escaping in some of my debug output too (if thatā€™s what youā€™re noticing @freesig). Removing one layer of escaping, the following seems correct, because Holochain doesnā€™t know if the result should be JSON so it just defaults to a string that has to be deserialised by itself.

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": "{\"Ok\":[{\"price\":\"Norm\",\"author_id\":\"HcSCJjCxUn8Jv4fv7x4BYcqY5TmWvvg3ytrb35FYKMtyc6qwBXsae4w84qhkyjz\"},{\"price\":\"Norm\",\"author_id\":\"HcSCJjCxUn8Jv4fv7x4BYcqY5TmWvvg3ytrb35FYKMtyc6qwBXsae4w84qhkyjz\"},{\"price\":\"Norm\",\"author_id\":\"HcSCJjCxUn8Jv4fv7x4BYcqY5TmWvvg3ytrb35FYKMtyc6qwBXsae4w84qhkyjz\"},{\"price\":\"Norm\",\"author_id\":\"HcSCJjCxUn8Jv4fv7x4BYcqY5TmWvvg3ytrb35FYKMtyc6qwBXsae4w84qhkyjz\"},{\"price\":\"Norm\",\"author_id\":\"HcSCJjCxUn8Jv4fv7x4BYcqY5TmWvvg3ytrb35FYKMtyc6qwBXsae4w84qhkyjz\"},{\"price\":\"Norm\",\"author_id\":\"HcSCJjCxUn8Jv4fv7x4BYcqY5TmWvvg3ytrb35FYKMtyc6qwBXsae4w84qhkyjz\"}]}",
  "id": "signal"

no worries Tom. hereā€™s the set and get functions from my zome:

pub fn set_price(price: String) -> ZomeApiResult<Address> {
    let signal = PriceRange {
    author_id: hdk::AGENT_ADDRESS.clone(),
    let agent_address = hdk::AGENT_ADDRESS.clone().into();
    let entry = Entry::App("price".into(), signal.into());
    let address = hdk::commit_entry(&entry)?;
    hdk::link_entries(&agent_address, &address, "author_price", "")?;

// this is the function that sets the spot price for each state every 5 minutes
fn get_price(agent_address: Address) -> ZomeApiResult<Vec<PriceRange>> {