About the RSM Technical Discussion! category

YES PLEASE! :slight_smile: That would REALLY help! :slight_smile:

I am super keen to get going with RSM but after months after its announcement I am still blocked and not even be able to get started… as I have always said, I can bring the massive .NET, Unity and Enterprise markets to hc… so please help me help you! :wink: Thank you. :heart:

I have also asked numerous times how do I get started with RSM dev? Is there a basic sample or basic skeleton app I can look at? The bare bones? And then how do I use the dna_util to create the DNA from the rust source code? Step by step instructions please. Since the ones on github are really not clear and do not make any sense… thank you.

Surely someone here can help?! lol :wink: thank you. :heart:

Sorry folks, I found this earlier:

That was the missing link! :slight_smile:

Now I am looking for a simple CRUD example? I found the count CRUD example in the samples but it looks too complex for what I need. I just need a bare bones example for CRUD operations for a basic object/struct? Hope someone can help?

Would be really appreciated thanks. :slight_smile:

Also, related to above, the dna.json link in the doc above is a dead link resulting in a 404 error, has it been moved somewhere?

Do you know where it is now located? Or is there another example or doc you can point me to? Thanks.

Ok, I finally managed to compile the elemental chat example and found the example dna.json in there:

  "name": "elemental-chat",
  "uuid": "9a28aac8-337c-11eb-adc1-0Z02acw20115",
  "properties": null,
  "zomes": {
    "chat": {
      "wasm_path": "../target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/chat.wasm"

My next question is, how is the uuid generated? Plus where can I find the schema for this file?

What is the properties field?

Thanks folks.

I managed to get the elemental chat example running using holochain-run-dna in the conductor but where can I find the UI to test it is working?

Thanks. :slight_smile:

Or are there other examples I can look at that have a working UI to test it is all working? Thanks.

Why don’t you

i’m working on a different part of holochain right now

push an image to docker-hub with all the tools already installed

i made these in the past and vagrant boxes, i’m sure they will happen again for rsm

cc: @lucas.tauil


Ok I got elemental chat compiled into a DNA but I got errors when trying to run it with the conductor using the holochain-run-dna util:

[nix-shell:~/holochain/elemental-chat]$ holochain-run-dna ./elemental-chat.dna.gz
Using config file at path:  /run/user/1000/tmp-7189-7GgLLwV1NZkN/config.yaml
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ test -d /home/david/holochain
+ test -w /home/david/holochain
+ export HC_TARGET_PREFIX=/home/david/holochain
+ HC_TARGET_PREFIX=/home/david/holochain
+ crate=holochain
+ shift
+ cargo run --target-dir=/home/david/holochain/target --manifest-path=/home/david/holochain/crates/holochain/Cargo.toml -- -c /run/user/1000/tmp-7189-7GgLLwV1NZkN/config.yaml
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.29s
 Running `/home/david/holochain/target/debug/holochain -c /run/user/1000/tmp-7189-7GgLLwV1NZkN/config.yaml`
Jan 14 16:04:08.913  INFO holochain::conductor::conductor::builder: self.config=ConductorConfig { environment_path: EnvironmentRootPath("/run/user/1000/tmp-7189-7GgLLwV1NZkN"), use_dangerous_test_keystore: false, signing_service_uri: None, encryption_service_uri: None, decryption_service_uri: None, dpki: None, keystore_path: Some("/run/user/1000/tmp-7189-7GgLLwV1NZkN/keystore"), passphrase_service: None, admin_interfaces: Some([AdminInterfaceConfig { driver: Websocket { port: 41371 } }]), network: Some(KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }) }
Jan 14 16:04:08.924  INFO holochain_websocket::websocket_listener: bind local_addr=ws://
Jan 14 16:04:08.924  INFO holochain: Conductor successfully initialized.
Conductor ready.
(-m FLAG OFF) Generating single agent pub key for all apps.
Jan 14 16:04:13.663  WARN genesis_workflow{args=GenesisWorkflowArgs { dna_file: DnaFile(dna = HoloHashed(DnaDef { name: "elemental-chat", uuid: "9a28aac8-337c-11eb-adc1-0Z02acw20115", properties: null, zomes: [(ZomeName("chat"), Wasm(WasmZome { wasm_hash: WasmHash(uhCokE1fAGGb_upBDl8HrYHohmlanLC3zGOTRyiXtbwiasSRwSixd) }))] })), agent_pubkey: AgentPubKey(uhCAkb75dx33MfgMAQIAjBqvmc6Q5DqMuudsAM0-Dv-cNesZzem9n), membrane_proof: None }}: holochain::conductor::api::api_cell: Using placeholder dpki
Jan 14 16:04:13.670  INFO holochain::conductor::conductor: CREATE CELL cell_id=CellId(DnaHash(uhC0kzSLEBkHKvE_4CH2Chl6-lA1W4hwZCAJTWF_c9Drh5V0ANj7R), AgentPubKey(uhCAkb75dx33MfgMAQIAjBqvmc6Q5DqMuudsAM0-Dv-cNesZzem9n))
Jan 14 16:04:14.023  INFO holochain::conductor::conductor: ADD CELL cell_id=CellId(DnaHash(uhC0kzSLEBkHKvE_4CH2Chl6-lA1W4hwZCAJTWF_c9Drh5V0ANj7R), AgentPubKey(uhCAkb75dx33MfgMAQIAjBqvmc6Q5DqMuudsAM0-Dv-cNesZzem9n))
Jan 14 16:04:14.027  INFO holochain_websocket::websocket_listener: bind local_addr=ws://
Successfully installed app on port 8888
Jan 14 16:04:14.032  INFO holochain_websocket::task_socket_stream: closing websocket remote_addr=ws:// code=0 reason=
Jan 14 16:04:14.032  INFO holochain_websocket::task_socket_stream: socket stream task ended remote_addr=ws://
Jan 14 16:04:14.032  INFO holochain_websocket::task_dispatch_incoming: dispatch incoming task ended remote_addr=ws://
Jan 14 16:04:14.032  INFO holochain_websocket::task_socket_sink: socket sink task ended remote_addr=ws://
Jan 14 16:04:14.036  INFO holochain_websocket::task_socket_stream: closing websocket remote_addr=ws:// code=0 reason=
Jan 14 16:04:14.036  INFO holochain_websocket::task_socket_stream: socket stream task ended remote_addr=ws://
Jan 14 16:04:14.036  INFO holochain_websocket::task_dispatch_incoming: dispatch incoming task ended remote_addr=ws://
Jan 14 16:04:14.036 ERROR holochain_websocket::task_socket_sink: error=ConnectionClosed
Jan 14 16:04:14.036  INFO holochain_websocket::task_socket_sink: socket sink task ended remote_addr=ws://
Jan 14 16:04:14.036  WARN holochain::conductor::interface::websocket: Admin socket failed to close: channel closed
Jan 14 16:04:44.126  WARN gossip_loop{config=KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }}: kitsune_p2p::spawn::actor::gossip: msg="gossip loop error" e=TransportError(Other(TimedOut))
Jan 14 16:05:14.154  WARN gossip_loop{config=KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }}: kitsune_p2p::spawn::actor::gossip: msg="gossip loop error" e=TransportError(Other(TimedOut))
Jan 14 16:05:44.185  WARN gossip_loop{config=KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }}: kitsune_p2p::spawn::actor::gossip: msg="gossip loop error" e=TransportError(Other(TimedOut))
Jan 14 16:06:14.214  WARN gossip_loop{config=KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }}: kitsune_p2p::spawn::actor::gossip: msg="gossip loop error" e=TransportError(Other(TimedOut))
Jan 14 16:06:44.243  WARN gossip_loop{config=KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }}: kitsune_p2p::spawn::actor::gossip: msg="gossip loop error" e=TransportError(Other(TimedOut))
Jan 14 16:07:14.273  WARN gossip_loop{config=KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }}: kitsune_p2p::spawn::actor::gossip: msg="gossip loop error" e=TransportError(Other(TimedOut))
Jan 14 16:07:44.301  WARN gossip_loop{config=KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }}: kitsune_p2p::spawn::actor::gossip: msg="gossip loop error" e=TransportError(Other(TimedOut))
Jan 14 16:08:14.331  WARN gossip_loop{config=KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }}: kitsune_p2p::spawn::actor::gossip: msg="gossip loop error" e=TransportError(Other(TimedOut))
Jan 14 16:08:44.361  WARN gossip_loop{config=KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }}: kitsune_p2p::spawn::actor::gossip: msg="gossip loop error" e=TransportError(Other(TimedOut))
Jan 14 16:09:14.390  WARN gossip_loop{config=KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }}: kitsune_p2p::spawn::actor::gossip: msg="gossip loop error" e=TransportError(Other(TimedOut))
Jan 14 16:09:44.421  WARN gossip_loop{config=KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }}: kitsune_p2p::spawn::actor::gossip: msg="gossip loop error" e=TransportError(Other(TimedOut))
Jan 14 16:10:14.451  WARN gossip_loop{config=KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }}: kitsune_p2p::spawn::actor::gossip: msg="gossip loop error" e=TransportError(Other(TimedOut))
Jan 14 16:10:44.480  WARN gossip_loop{config=KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }}: kitsune_p2p::spawn::actor::gossip: msg="gossip loop error" e=TransportError(Other(TimedOut))
Jan 14 16:11:14.513  WARN gossip_loop{config=KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }}: kitsune_p2p::spawn::actor::gossip: msg="gossip loop error" e=TransportError(Other(TimedOut))
Jan 14 16:11:44.542  WARN gossip_loop{config=KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }}: kitsune_p2p::spawn::actor::gossip: msg="gossip loop error" e=TransportError(Other(TimedOut))
Jan 14 16:12:14.572  WARN gossip_loop{config=KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }}: kitsune_p2p::spawn::actor::gossip: msg="gossip loop error" e=TransportError(Other(TimedOut))
Jan 14 16:12:44.601  WARN gossip_loop{config=KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }}: kitsune_p2p::spawn::actor::gossip: msg="gossip loop error" e=TransportError(Other(TimedOut))
Jan 14 16:13:14.630  WARN gossip_loop{config=KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }}: kitsune_p2p::spawn::actor::gossip: msg="gossip loop error" e=TransportError(Other(TimedOut))
Jan 14 16:13:44.658  WARN gossip_loop{config=KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }}: kitsune_p2p::spawn::actor::gossip: msg="gossip loop error" e=TransportError(Other(TimedOut))
Jan 14 16:14:14.688  WARN gossip_loop{config=KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }}: kitsune_p2p::spawn::actor::gossip: msg="gossip loop error" e=TransportError(Other(TimedOut))
Jan 14 16:14:44.717  WARN gossip_loop{config=KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }}: kitsune_p2p::spawn::actor::gossip: msg="gossip loop error" e=TransportError(Other(TimedOut))
Jan 14 16:15:14.873  WARN gossip_loop{config=KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }}: kitsune_p2p::spawn::actor::gossip: msg="gossip loop error" e=TransportError(Other(TimedOut))
Jan 14 16:15:45.256  WARN gossip_loop{config=KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }}: kitsune_p2p::spawn::actor::gossip: msg="gossip loop error" e=TransportError(Other(TimedOut))
Jan 14 16:16:15.481  WARN gossip_loop{config=KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }}: kitsune_p2p::spawn::actor::gossip: msg="gossip loop error" e=TransportError(Other(TimedOut))
Jan 14 16:16:45.512  WARN gossip_loop{config=KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }}: kitsune_p2p::spawn::actor::gossip: msg="gossip loop error" e=TransportError(Other(TimedOut))
Jan 14 16:17:15.542  WARN gossip_loop{config=KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }}: kitsune_p2p::spawn::actor::gossip: msg="gossip loop error" e=TransportError(Other(TimedOut))
Jan 14 16:17:45.573  WARN gossip_loop{config=KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }}: kitsune_p2p::spawn::actor::gossip: msg="gossip loop error" e=TransportError(Other(TimedOut))
Jan 14 16:18:15.602  WARN gossip_loop{config=KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }}: kitsune_p2p::spawn::actor::gossip: msg="gossip loop error" e=TransportError(Other(TimedOut))
Jan 14 16:18:45.633  WARN gossip_loop{config=KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }}: kitsune_p2p::spawn::actor::gossip: msg="gossip loop error" e=TransportError(Other(TimedOut))
Jan 14 16:19:15.664  WARN gossip_loop{config=KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }}: kitsune_p2p::spawn::actor::gossip: msg="gossip loop error" e=TransportError(Other(TimedOut))
Jan 14 16:19:45.693  WARN gossip_loop{config=KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }}: kitsune_p2p::spawn::actor::gossip: msg="gossip loop error" e=TransportError(Other(TimedOut))
Jan 14 16:20:15.722  WARN gossip_loop{config=KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }}: kitsune_p2p::spawn::actor::gossip: msg="gossip loop error" e=TransportError(Other(TimedOut))
Jan 14 16:20:45.752  WARN gossip_loop{config=KitsuneP2pConfig { transport_pool: [Quic { bind_to: None, override_host: None, override_port: None }], bootstrap_service: Some(Url2 { url: "https://bootstrap.holo.host/" }), tuning_params: KitsuneP2pTuningParams { gossip_loop_iteration_delay_ms: 10, default_notify_remote_agent_count: 5, default_notify_timeout_ms: 1000, default_rpc_single_timeout_ms: 2000, default_rpc_multi_remote_agent_count: 2, default_rpc_multi_timeout_ms: 2000, agent_info_expires_after_ms: 1200000 } }}: kitsune_p2p::spawn::actor::gossip: msg="gossip loop error" e=TransportError(Other(TimedOut))

Any ideas? Looks like the conductor starts fine, it then installs and runs the hApp, creates and adds a cell but then it is unable to connect using the admin socket? But the error message does not give a reason above?

I presume is the admin port for the conductor?

Any ideas?

It then looks like it timesout attempting to do gossip protocol?

Any help would be really appreciated thanks. :slight_smile: :heart:

@guillemcordoba @paul


Can anyone help? Would be appreciated because this is blocking me and as I said if we can get the .NET HDK and HoloNET RSM done it will open the doors to a flood of support from the massive .NET, Unity and Enterprise sectors… :slight_smile: :heart:

Thank you. :slight_smile:

cc @lucas.tauil asdfasdf

Did you have links to the redux docker images you created? Would be appreciated thanks. :slight_smile:

I tried running this but got this error:

PS C:\Users\david> cd “C:\Users\david\Downloads\holochain-develop (2)”
PS C:\Users\david\Downloads\holochain-develop (2)> docker run --rm -v $PWD:/holochain-develop -it ubuntu bash
docker: Error response from daemon: create $PWD: “$PWD” includes invalid characters for a local volume name, only “[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]” are allowed. If you intended to pass a host directory, use absolute path.
See ‘docker run --help’.

I tried passing in the absolute path as it suggests:

PS C:> docker run --rm -v $PWD:/C:\CODE\holochain-develop -it ubuntu bash
docker: Error response from daemon: invalid mode: \CODE\holochain-develop.
See ‘docker run --help’.
PS C:> docker run --rm -v $PWD:/C:\CODE\holochain-develop -it ubuntu bash

But that didn’t work either. Any ideas?

Is this meant to be run in WSL2 or NixOS? I tried to running in a standard PowerShell in Windows.


for example

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$PWD is the variable that contains the absolute path to the current working directory

i think if you’re using powershell %cd% is what you want

docker run --rm -v %cd%:/holochain -it ubuntu bash

something like that, you need to put the absolute path on the left of the : as that is the host path, the right path is where the volume is mounted to in the guest

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Ok great thank you appreciated. Will give that a go… :slightly_smiling_face:

Ok great thanks, are there any instructions on how to use them? Thanks :slight_smile:

Any ideas about the errors above?

Also, where is the UI to the elemental chat so I can check if it is working or not? Thanks

Also would be great if anyone could point me in the right direction with my other issue above…

The connections refused errors that started occurring with Redux version on WSL2 on Windows, like I said I have no idea if its Windows, WSL2, ubuntu, Nix or Conductor that is causing it, looking for a needle in a haystack time! :wink: lol

I didn’t change any code or network config so its very odd!


Ok I tried this but got the same error. Where should I be running this from? I have holochain cloned to C:\Code\holochain.

I tried running from the holochain folder and also the Code folder but got the same error message both times:

PS C:\code> docker run --rm -v %cd%:/holochain -it ubuntu bash
docker: Error response from daemon: create %cd%: “%cd%” includes invalid characters for a local volume name, only “[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]” are allowed. If you intended to pass a host directory, use absolute path.
See ‘docker run --help’.


I had also only recently noticed those errors though they were there all the time; led me to suspect that there was something wrong with the newer commit I had switched to! However, as Guillem points out, just ignore them (and all the multitude of errors you might see at stack-closes; the team simply doesn’t seem to have the time to clean(-ify) their code yet); rest assured that they won’t cause any harm.

As for Docker, what I was advocating was that the team set up an automation pipeline for their GitHub repository to push docker images for successful builds to their official docker-hub repo. I used to do similar automation for my azure-DevOps repo that would publish the built-images to our azure container-registry upon every good commit; it was such a breeze… But I’m fairly new to the Github ecosystem of pipelining (plus nor have access to their repo). Would love it if someone, at least for the sake of newcomers, sets up this automation for RSM.
[the core devs are busy as hell; @lucas.tauil apparently works only 4 hours a week; who else do we have! Plus there’s a shortage of HC devs; looks like they’ve either exhausted all their funding or have doled it all out to the Holo team! Seriously @Holochain, speed up a little… At this pace, we’ll be on Mars before Holochain shoots for the moon…]

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Thank you for your answer brother. :slight_smile:

Well I could give an answer of why there have been so many delays but not sure if anyone would believe me… :wink:

It is a spiritual reason… we are all inter-connected and are as ONE… where we go one, we go all… :slight_smile:

As I have been saying for years now the .NET HDK will massively open up the hc ecosystem to the massive .net, unity and enterprise markets bringing the flood of devs, resources, funding and exposure we all so need! :slight_smile: As I keep saying help me help you! :slight_smile:

Because I have had no support and we are all inter-connected the Universe has had to slow everyone else down so we remain in sync… so if I finally got the support and help I needed it would speed everything else up including holochain… we are energetically linked so if one speeds up, we all speed up, if one slows down, we all slow down… its that simple…

This is unity consciousness and I believe the universe is doing this to show the world we are not separate from each other and are in fact cells in the same organism, the macro and the micro… we are all ONE… and that is a scientific fact… that people will be waking up to soon… if they have not already… that’s your answer… :slight_smile:

BTW… the .NET HDK/ODK is a digital twin of the Solar System/Galaxy/Universe and generates MOONS, planets and stars from the central SuperStar/Galactic Core/Great Central Sun…

This is the MOON everyone has been waiting for… OAPP’s (OASIS Apps) are Moons that orbit the first planet (Our World) the STAR ODK has created. The moons are what plug into it and the OASIS API sharing the central avatar/karma system… :slight_smile:

So for starters it would help speed everyone up if I could get some help with my above questions please… thanks… one of them should be really easy to answer… where is the UI to the elemental chat? Or can someone please point me in the direction of a fully working hApp with a UI and the full-code? I need to reverse engineer this to get the new HoloNET RSM working and see exactly what data is sent between the client and the new conductor, such as data format etc using MessagePack… thanks. :slight_smile:

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