Weekly Discussion #4 – What’s the most important Holochain concept you want to understand? Join the discussion with our community.
Dumb question : Why Zomes are “inside” DNA in Holochain ?
In biology I think DNA is “inside” chromosomes.
Just to understand the logic or maybe understand better biology.
I’ve found basic network theory to be pretty bloody important, esp. complex networks
Membranes — what the heck are they, how do they work, how do you think about them, and how do you create them?! Can’t write the documentation if I don’t understand it!
@Alexis Ha, yeah, the biological metaphors aren’t perfect. Although I guess you could say that because chromosomes are made out of DNA, the sum of all your chromosomes and the things they code could be considered the sum of your DNA. Maybe works?
lol I’ll take it!
The economics and mechanisms of mutual credit currency!
Consideration for architecture for hAPP.
For example:
- Mobile based App can be made available to download from marketplace.
- App has basic processes to allow users to interact with other users via bluetooth or wifi or network and dAPP will still work.
- App will handle public and private information, with two separate set of keys, with both types of information hosted on holochain, but only key determine what kind of information user has access to.
- Role of centralized server if any in this architecture.
- Impacts of updating app on marketplace.
A question that has been on my mind for a long time:
How to best deal with lots of data? And is there a way to get rid of obsolete data?
Holochain uses monotonic DHTs, meaning you can only add to it, never remove data. Take a social network as an example, where users tend to upload images. Now imagine I upload a picture of Einstein with a nice quote (all as one jpg). Then I notice a typo, correct it, upload the new file and mark the old one as deleted (remember, the file is only marked as deleted, but its still being stored in the DHT). Then I discover another typo and repeat the process. That way we quickly end up with lots of outdated data clogging up our DHT.
So, how to deal with that issue? Is it best to only store links of files on the DHT and host the files themselves via IPFS? If so, how can we make sure those files are being hosted reliably and with adequate redundancy?
Could there be a purely Holochain solution that allows for the true deletion of unwanted / outdated content? Like, have two DHTs: One monotonic for all the meta-data (publishing / editing / deleting entries) and one non-monotonic DHT for the actual content. Then specify in the hApp DNA, that items can be removed from the data-DHT ONLY IF a corresponding delete-request has been posted to the meta-data DHT.
That way, we would make sure that all relevant data is accessible, while unwanted data can savely be forgotten.
Maybe the Holo Host can have this as a setting so that you can just decide for a particular app to not host any updates or deleted items. That way you could host for example a really small footprint ordering application that just replicates current order days and items rather than the full list of all orders and items ever created.
What does a Founder need to know and understand about holochain in order to decide on building their app on holochain vs another solution?
I understand holochain creates a small back-end and fat front-end, but what is the full value proposition of building on holochain for a CEO or CTO?