Wanted: A C++ Client

Yes, the whole thing must also be serialized via msgpack. The inner payload, as well as the outer “Request” struct.


Also, one more question, @jakintosh:

Did you write your client library separately (so as to be someday pushed to the Github/Holochain organization as a standard C# client library (community developed)), or did you just jam it in your (h)app’s C# UI code itself?

I’m still cleaning it up but it will be easily extractable, though it relies on two (unvetted) packages (one for websockets, and one for msgpack). The holochain interface itself is barely 200 lines of code, and I think after cleaning it up it will be smaller. The most difficult part was making sense of some parts of documentation, and getting help from @Connoropolous about specific corners of the holochain codebase I needed to solve my problem.

For reference, here’s a gist of my C# implementation when it was finally working end-to-end (with absolutely no refactoring or cleanup :sweat_smile:)


I’ve been dancing around the possibility of doing this write up for a while… can y’all check this out? @jakintosh does this read right with your experience. I actually did read your source code again for some degree of confirmation and sanity checking.

Zome Call Serialization API Hackmd


Yep, this covers every gotcha I wrote down in my notes that weren’t Unity/C# specific.

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Now @Connoropolous has finally helped me get a windows binary working again after waiting 2 years when HoloNET was first built (the first C#/Unity client for Holochain), I can now finish the upgrade to RSM as well as the .NET HDK and then STAR ODK, all of which will be released soon…

I was about to create a Nuget package for HoloNET 2 years ago but then NixOS and then RSM threw 2 curved balls at me so I delayed doing that until could get it working properly on Windows again… :slight_smile:

Hopefully the very long way will have been worth it! :wink: lol



Hey guys,

For the past 3 days I’ve been banging my head against this error, still no clue… This is the error I get:

??type?Response?id?r?data?z??type?error?data??type?deserialization?data?LBytes(Deserialize(“HoloHash error: BadPrefix(“DnaHash”, [117, 104, 67])”))

My DNA Hash being: uhC0k5PE8a9AjyXj5RDqDPFiQG0zhrY0nghGjyIH5b7pCMOYVvJxP

I convert it to UTF8 then copy the raw bytes on to the buffer. The buffer does represent a valid UTF8 string; totally readable. But then, what is the encoding scheme Holochain expects? From https://github.com/holochain/holochain/blob/45e524167615e7751a12ada73c8e35e6f9cf33ae/crates/holo_hash/src/hash_type/primitive.rs (cc @thedavidmeister) I can not understand how you get the [132, 45, 36] prefix.

@jakintosh’s https://gist.github.com/Jakintosh/8578f39a66e50c4beb24bc34275e6ce5#file-holochain-cs-L80 worked successfully with UTF8, mine doesn’t.

Please help! (cc @Connoropolous).

PS: As @Connoropolous said in the hackmd doc, I’m not serializing the buffers (for DNA Hash and Agent Hash) with messagepack.

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Purely as an aside as I’m still similarly puzzled around the DNA/AgentPubKey hashing conventions: I equally don’t get why the TS/JS conductor api expects the leading u to be trimmed https://github.com/holochain/happ-client-call-tutorial/blob/main/ts/src/app.ts#L16

Some clear documentation for this would be great! :grinning:

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Hey, I ran into this exact same problem: Conductor Library Roadmap - #17 by jakintosh

In my case, I was unnecessarily converting a C# string into a utf8 encoded byte[]; directly passing the string itself solved my problem. I think this is because the hash is not actually encoded in UTF8, but that you do that for readability purposes, but I’m still a little fuzzy on that.

It would help to know what you are doing that results in the error you are getting. From my understanding when I as troubleshooting, you can also run into this problem if you send the wrong kind of hash (like a dna hash when it’s expecting an agent hash). Perhaps you have set up your cell definitions backwards, swapping agent hash and dna hash.

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It worked! Thank you so so so so so much, @jakintosh… You’re my hero! Love you! This saved my life! I was almost on the brink of a mental breakdown (haha!). I now realize that being an early adopter of a really new tech has its downsides. But a community like this one nullifies all those downsides. Thanks for helping really. I guess it was foolish of me to not explore that option myself. I wonder why Connor did not mention that in the hackmd doc. Anyway, right now I’m able to 1) run the app in the sandbox, 2) port-forward the app-ws port from WSL to native Windows, 3) allow it through firewall, 4) connect to the app-ws from my UE4 game/UI, 5) make the zome call without any errors.


However, the response hasn’t come yet…


#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, SerializedBytes, Debug)]

struct SayHelloRequest {}

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, SerializedBytes, Debug)]

struct SayHelloResponse {

pub output: String,



fn say_hello(_: SayHelloRequest) → ExternResult < SayHelloResponse > {

Ok(SayHelloResponse {

    output: "Hello!".to_string(),



What should my payload be? I’m passing an empty object

Looks like my app’s init() function panicked or something. 'Cause I just ran hc sandbox call activate-app test-app, and it said

Error: Failed to activate app, got: Error(InternalError(“Conductor returned an error while using a ConductorApi: AppNotInstalled(“test-app”)”))

By the way, calling hc sandbox call install-app yielded

hc sandbox call install-app uhC0k5PE8a9AjyXj5RDqDPFiQG0zhrY0nghGjyIH5b7pCMOYVvJxP

Error: Failed to install app: Expected AdminResponse::AppInstalled but got Error(InternalError(“Conductor returned an error while using a ConductorApi: AppAlreadyInstalled(“test-app”)”))

It sure must be my lengthy init() function that’s failing… Would try calling a simpler app first.

By the way, @Connoropolous, what does activate-app do? Does it call the app’s (the DNA’s) init() function, as I’m assuming?

LogTemp: Warning: Socket connected.
LogTemp: Warning: CallZomeFunction: assembled the wire-message.
LogTemp: Warning: CallZomeFunction: sent the dumped wire-message. WireMessage: 
LogTemp: data : ??data??cap??cell_id??5uhC0kb8NAI6Ts9fdahNGoz-xttLBSKg1G9v3AgsdcNb70LxmOwzS9?5uhCAk1gCrNfN6cJN6Owloj_lec-eC_6kczLrYjwnSGFt7zCjQh2GA?fn_name?say_hello?payload???Input?Nothing?provenance?5uhCAk1gCrNfN6cJN6Owloj_lec-eC_6kczLrYjwnSGFt7zCjQh2GA?zome_name?map?type?zome_call
LogTemp: id : 6259
LogTemp: type : Request
LogTemp: Warning: Added local function to delegate.
LogTemp: Warning: Test function ends.
LogTemp: Warning: Socket: Plain message received: ??type?Response?id?s?data?-??type?zome_call?data???output?Hello, honey!

Thank you so much guys for all the help. It finally worked!

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I’ve been having a week with less-than-average keyboard time so haven’t been able to respond.
Well worked through! I will review my doc to see what exactly is amiss

Not exactly, ‘init’ gets called at the time of the first zome call…

activate-app is required in order for the conductor to actually allocate memory and resources to the cells in the app. In particular, to perform gossip and make network connections with peers

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No it’s not that because it says ‘uhc0k’ which is what Holochain says it expects as a DnaHash… the problem revolves around the fact that this encoding is a base64 encoded string. utf-8 has nothing to do with it, minus the fact that’s how we read the chars

Oh oops, you said “you can also run into this problem if you send the wrong kind of hash” which is true!

Amaze! This is great to hear. I am so stoked on game dev potentials here

seems like this is working… hashes are not handled as strings under the hood, encoding is only used for humans to read/debug

if you ever have issues with compatibility i recommend getting rust to print out raw bytes and diff with whatever your code is producing


hey, would you be willing / interested / able to share the C++ code you developed as library, similar to the proposed https://github.com/holochain-open-dev/holochain-client-csharp code that we intend to produce here, on the holochain-open-dev org?

I’ve already done that; check this old forum post. Not sure what you mean by C++ (I mean, who in their right mind would develop a UI frontend in bare C++); what I wrote was an Unreal Engine C++ plugin. I would repost the link; I hope you find it useful. [By the way, I abandoned the distributed mind-mapping app project I was working on upon running into ThortSpace. I would have loved to have finished that project so as to have a working example usage for the plugin, but yeah, couldn’t… But the plugin works just fine.]

Plugin: Holochain Client in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace
Source code: https://the-a-man-works.visualstudio.com/_git/HolochainClient?path=/README.md&_a=preview


Oh wow, rad! Its good to have that link on this thread cause I had no idea.