New dev docs release: HOLOCHAIN RSM!

Hello folks, I’ve just pushed some massive changes to and I’d like you all to go and read it, then tell me what I did wrong :wink:

In actual truth, I would really love some feedback, especially on the installation guide. The Core Concepts have been reviewed already, and I’m well aware of their deficiencies (we all agree they get too detailed without enough context). So we’re going to rewrite those soon. BUT! Everything you read on the website is RSM-specific; there’s no remaining documentation for the old Holochain Redux. Hence, the Core Concepts have changed substantially and deserve a re-read so you can grasp what’s changed. (You can still find its documentation here.)

My promise for this first iteration of the developer docs: not necessarily complete (heck, not even close to complete), but not wrong. We’ll keep on iterating and adding new content.

Another feature, which I hope you’ll like, is that I’ve got a copy of the HDK documentation up there, and I’ll keep on updating it to match blessed Holonix releases (yes, Holochain RSM is now available at again) until we start publishing to once again.

Special thanks to @e-nastasia @guillemcordoba @hedayat @sidsthalekar and all others who provided reviews on my drafts.

And if you want to get involved in the documentation effort, please chime in below! :point_down:


Yayy! So good to see this :slight_smile: