Link with HoloREA / Value Flows

A couple of reputation elements that you can get easily from REA data is who’s done what work and made other contributions to a project or network:

Another element would be a record of keeping commitments (or not). Doing what you promised.

Both of those are relatively objective, as opposed to popularity scores.

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9am good for us Tuesday or Wednesday, Thursday good starting at 9:30am. Could also go earlier on Tuesday if that makes it saner for @sidsthalekar.

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@yeff @sidsthalekar Tue / Wed / Thurs all work for me.

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No worries Let’s do 9am Chicago time on Tuesday
@yeff @lynnfoster @bhaugen @jethro

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We’re on the call now @bhaugen @lynnfoster @yeff

For those following this thread, we’ve decided to take this conversation to a chatroom on Holo Mattermost. Join in if you’d like to see how it flows. Here’s the url: