Error while trying "Hello Holo tutorial"!

The only thing I can see that is different is there is a #[macro_use] missing above the serde_derive crate. Maybe try adding that in and see if it works?

extern crate serde_derive;

Hey @newprometheus Iā€™m not sure I understand your question. Are you asking what is the best method to run the hc run -i http command?

All the hc run or holochain should be run from your project root. So in this case you donā€™t want to be in ~/holochain/core_concepts/cc_tuts/zomes/hello/code/src.
You want to be in cc_tuts.
So it would be:

[nix-shell: cd ~/holochain/core_concepts/cc_tuts
[nix-shell: hc package
[nix-shell: hc run -i http

Does that help?

Holy Moly itā€™s worked.

[nix-shell:~]$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id": "0", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": {"instance_id": "test-instance", "zome": "hello", "function": "hello_holo", "args": {} }}'

{"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":"{\"Ok\":\"Hello Holo\"}","id":"0"}

Thanks for reply.

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Yes, that was my question! That helps, thank you @freesig!
Now, everything worked fine!

My first tutorial is finish! :slight_smile:

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@newprometheus @f13end It makes us super happy to see you both completing the tutorials and everything working for you.

@newprometheus any constructive feedback you can provide regarding this tutorial or about the Core Concepts?

Thank you very much for your help!
For me, it would be great, if the tutorials would include some videos or screen-recording while you enter the commands. Than we could better see/understand from where we have to enter the commands.
Best regards


@newprometheus so we are brainstorming about video formats. Yes, I think seeing someone go through the commands will be helpful.

Would it be helpful to see a livestream? Or very focused video clips? or a summary video for each tutorial? What would you find most useful?

I think it would help a lot if you could see someone typing the commands step-by-step, explaining the steps and clarifying important things to watch out for.
The videos donā€™t have to be super professional, a simple screen recording with sound should be enough. And Iā€™d rather make one or two short videos per turorial than one too long video (depending on the length of the tutorial or if you have to explain many individual steps).
And in videos you can explain much more in the same time than writing long texts that you have to work through.
I would wish the same for the installation of NixOS and Holochain. The installation was a bit confusing for me and I had to try many trial-and-error ways, which requires a lot of patience.
I hope this will help you a little?
Good luck and thank you very much for your efforts!

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Yes, this is helpful. I do believe others may agree about the short videos. Itā€™s easier when a video is focused/concise. Thank you for your input/feedback!

This is helpful to know. You may have the patience, but not everyone will have that level of patience. And we would like more people to complete the installation and content.

It would be great to know what part of the installation is confusing or frustrating etc.

And if you are attempting on Windows. I havenā€™t tried that personally but I understand with Vagrant it is different.

ok, the most difficult part was the beginning, the setup. I didnā€™t know which setups were possible to install Holochain. The tutorial for Windows assumes from the beginning that you have managed to install NixOS and know how to use VirtualBox with Vagrant.
At the beginning I tried different setups for Windows. First I tried to get NixOS to run on the VirtualBox, then I tried to install NixOS directly on an external HDD, then Linux, then I looked at WSL2 and finally I understood what Vagrant does. Only when I understood that with Vagrant I can install and run NixOS and Holochain directly from the command prompt and the VirtualBox runs in the background without having to do anything there, it was relatively easy.
So a short video about the most useful way of setup would have helped a lot. Or a few videos about the different setups that make it possible to use Holochain. Iā€™ve spent a lot of time searching forums for information to understand which setup makes the most sense for me.
Please donā€™t take this as a criticism, because on the other hand I learned a lot about Holochain this way. Itā€™s only because you asked me to improve the tutorials. So these are my suggestions.

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Thank you for taking the time to provide real honest and specific feedback. This is so helpful. Our team (Dev Empowerment) has created a feedback Trello board. Iā€™ll be adding your feedback to the board. Itā€™s a good reminder that we still need to address challenges related to the Windows platform.

Also, we would love for the community to create videos and share tips related to the install process.

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Hi - getting the following error when executing ā€œhc packageā€ after generating the hello zome

It was working yesterday - anything I should try?

Iā€™m also running this on Windows but with WSL2 if that helps.


Solved the num-rational compile issue above. The Vmmem process had taken all the memory. Restarting the session did the trick