DevCamp #7

What’s the zoom link for today please? Thanks. Looking forward to it! :grin: my 3rd camp… looking forward to seeing familiar faces and new ones… :blush::tada::heart::pray::blush:

Is it 130 or 230 gmt?

I’m having problem accessing my email so can someone please share the link here? Thanks

I just got into my emails finally and I have not received any emails at all about dev camp. My email is

I really want to attend so would appreciate if someone could please share the link asap! Thanks.

The last dev camps they shared the links on the forum before… please can this be done again? Thanks

@dellams currently it is unclear if DevCamp7 is being conducted or has been repurposed.

Some of us who are inexperienced developers (myself, @Anjana, @Anil_kumar ) got a mail with following information:

Build on Holochain:

Session 1 2020-08-05T13:30:00Z (1 hour)
Session 2 2020-08-12T13:30:00Z (1 hour)

Stating organizers received a large group of inexperienced, early beginners for whom deeper Rust Language discussion would be inappropriate.

Please let us know here if you learn anything, there are others also such as @xelius wondering about the same. There are also other forum newcomers such as @shen-shen @snacey could help them as well.

@dellams and others. I finally got an email w a zoom-link earlier today and managed to catch the last 30 min of the livestream,

So Devcamp7 is def happening but dont know exactly whats going on, guessing there might be some admin-que or something. Hopefully they’ll get to you too… (?)

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